Ellwood City Wolves Club

Ellwood City Wolves Club Monthly Meeting Notes

The Ellwood City Wolves Club Den 11 held their monthly meeting on Wednesday February 26, 2025 at the Connequenessing Country Club. President Mike DeOtto led the meeting and thanked the members for assisting at the recent Golf Bash held on February 16 at the Ellwood City Sons of Italy. A record number attended (450). All the money raised goes into their scholarship fund. Scholarship Chairman John DiBuono reported on the progress regarding this years Scholarship Awards. The applications are available through the Lincoln and Riverside High School Guidance Counselors and online at pittsburghfoundation.org. The Wolves award two $5,000.00 and 5…

Ellwood City Wolves Club Den Monthly Meeting Update

The Ellwood City Wolves Club Den II met on Wednesday January 22, 2025 at the Connoquenessing Country Club. The Club provided $500 donations to the Divine Grace Ministerium Social Services, Ellwood City Meals on Wheels and $250 to the Lilyville Church of God Food Pantry. The club also welcomed four new members to their public service organization. The club will participate in the annual Ellwood City Arts & Crafts Festival scheduled to be held July 4-6th in Ewing Park. Club members are asked to help at their shelter serving food.  The annual Oktoberfest will be held on Saturday, October 4,…

14th Annual Ellwood City Octoberfest Scheduled For October 5th

Ellwood City may not be Bavaria but it does have its version of Octoberfest. The 14th Annual Oktoberfest will be held on Saturday October 5th from 12pm to 5pm at the Wolves Shelter in Ewing Park, rain or shine. $30 presell or $35 at the door, attendees will be oompah-pah-ing for the abundance of food and beer samples. Thanks to the talented local brewers and Pete’s Uptown Beer and Beverage, located at 1022 Lawrence Avenue, Ellwood City for providing a bounty of beers. Small samples will be served in 3 oz. plastic cups. Homebrewers will share their specialities and over…

PHOTOS: Wolves Club Hosts Ellwood City Track and Riverside Baseball, Cross Country and Track Teams.

The Ellwood City Wolves Club Den II met on Wednesday, August 14, 2024, at their Shelter in Ewing Park. President Mike DeOtto opened the meeting introducing guests which included the coaches and members of the Ellwood City Track and Riverside Baseball, Cross Country and Track Teams. The Club presented the Pro Bono Publico Awards to members of the Ellwood City and Riverside Baseball, Cross Country and Track Teams for their outstanding performance in regional and state championships and set school records in 2023. Awards were presented to: Ellwood Basketball player Joe Roth who has a combined 2000 points scored in…

Ellwood City Wolves Host Annual Scholarship Dinner

The Ellwood City Wolves Club Den II hosted their annual Scholarship Dinner on Wednesday, May 22, 2024, at the Connequenessing Country Club. The club provides 9 scholarships a year ($16,000) to graduating seniors from Lincoln and Riverside high schools and to two community college students. The Wolves Club members, guests, school guidance counselors, community college representatives and Scholarship winners were greeted by Scholarship Committee Chairman John DiBuono.  Dennis Boariu served as Master of Ceremonies. Pastor Paul Moore of the Union Goodwill Community Church provided the invocation. The attendees enjoyed a dinner of penne pasta in vodka sauce, squash medley, champagne…

Ellwood City Wolves Club Monthly Meeting Recap

The Ellwood City Wolves Club Den 11 met on Wednesday April 11, 2024 at the Connequenessing Country Club providing updates on the golf bash and scholarships. President Mike DeOtto opened the meeting and welcomed club members and guests. Golf Bash Chairman Chris Cioffi reported on the February 18, 2024 Golf Bash at the Sons Of Italy. The Golf Bash was a well attended event with 375 golfers there. It raised $22,400.00 for the scholarship fund. A partner in this endeavor is the Divine Grace Christian Mothers. They serve the food for the attendees. A check for $2,500.00 was presented to…

EC Wolves Club Den Provides Donations

The Ellwood City Wolves Club Den II met on Wednesday January 10, 2024 at the Connequenessing Country Club. At the meeting they presented a donation of $500 to the Ellwood City Meals on Wheels Program. Director Terry Crespo thanked the Wolves Club for their continued support of the important community program where thirty citizens receive meals Monday through Friday. Due to donations like theirs the program has not had to raise the costs to the participants. Wolves Club members serve as drivers and meal preparers. There is a need for drivers to deliver the meals. It takes one hour of…

Ellwood City Wolves Club Den Celebrates Christmas

The Ellwood City Wolves Club Den II celebrated Christmas at the Connequenessing Country Club on Wednesday December 13. A buffet dinner of beef, chicken marsala. Shrimp linguine, corn zucchini blend, potatoes was enjoyed by 56 members, guests, wives and significant others. Santa Claus arrived and distributed candy, poinsettia’s and wine to some lucky guests. Pictured below, from the left: Club members Tony Luccarelli, Al Geniviva, Fred Altsman, Dale Radice, John Biondi and Gene Dimeo. Guy Calabro was Santa Claus was portrayed by Guy Calabro.

Wolves Club Presents Oktoberfest Donations

The Ellwood City Wolves Club Den 11 met on Wednesday, November 8th at the Connequenessing Country Club. During the meeting the recent Oktoberfest was reported on by Chairman Dennis Boariu. The Club provided a donation of $2,000.00 from the Oktoberfest proceeds to the Ellwood City Volunteer Fire Department for their Advance Life Support (ALS) Unit. The Wolves Club also provided donations from the Oktoberfest proceeds to the Ellwood City Lions and Ellwood City Rotary. Each club was represented at the Oktoberfest. Each club received a check for $5,874.00. Pictured below is Chairman Boariu with members of the Ellwood CIty VFD…

Ellwood City Oktoberfest Tickets Now On Sale

The Ellwood City Oktoberfest Tickets are now on sale. Oktoberfest, a partnership of community organizations, is in its 13th year and will take place on Saturday, October 7th in Ewing Park. The Wolves Club, Rotary Club of Ellwood City and the Ellwood City Lions fundraiser highlights craft brewers, sampling of a variety of craft beers, raffles, auctions and games. Net proceeds of the event go to support the clubs’ programs and projects for the Ellwood City Area community. The Wait, a New Castle band, will be playing during the event and you will hear the sounds of our very own…