Local News

NOTICE: ECASD Schedules Special Meeting For Personnel Matters

According to information made available by the district on Tuesday, the Ellwood City Area School Board of Directors has scheduled a special meeting for Personnel Matters for Monday, March 27, 2023. The meeting will take place at 7:00 p.m. and will be conducted in the Board Room located in the Lincoln Jr/Sr High School. The Ellwood City School District is located at 501 Crescent Avenue, Ellwood City, PA 16117

Applications Available for Ellwood City Facade Improvement Project

During Monday’s Borough Council Meeting, Borough Manager Kevin Swogger announced projects around town that will work to spruce up the business fronts and well as the streets. He said the Ellwood City Façade Improvement Program is underway and two businesses have already submitted applications including Posies by Patti and Grand Paws Pet Salon. Applications are available on the Borough’s website at the top of the page. In addition to the façade improvements planned for the borough, the streets department has begin working to fill potholes on borough roads. Swogger also thanked the Kitchen Cabinet for their $5,000 donation toward the…

MAYOR: Replace Defaced License Plates

Mayor Anthony J. Court has issued the following information concerning defaced license plates: If your license plate is defaced and you are stopped by the Ellwood City Police Department, you will be provided a form to fill out and an officer will inspect your plate. You can send the form in to the address provided on the form and they will issue you a new plate. The Ellwood City Police Department is located in the municipal building at 525 Lawrence Avenue, for questions, call 724-758-7777. Act 133 of 2008 eliminated the requirement for PennDOT to replace license plates every 10…

Ellwood City Public Library Activities For Week Of March 20

The Ellwood City Area Public Library offers a variety of weekly activities. Information is available by calling the library at 724-758-6458. PLEASE NOTE The Library has partnered with Seneca Library District, Oil Creek Library District, Erie County Public Library and Crawford County Federated Library System for e-books. You can now use the Overdrive or Libby App. to borrow books from the above Libraries. Please call the library with any questions. WE’RE OPEN! Hours are Monday 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 10:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m., Friday 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. and Saturday 9:00 a.m. –…

Historical Society Monthly Meeting Recap

The March meeting of the Ellwood City Area Historical Society was called to order on March 13th at 7:00 p.m. by its President, Bob Morabito, reminding those present of the mission of the Society. Morabito then asked WWII Veteran Guy Prestia to lead the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Minutes of the February meeting were read with a motion to approve as written by Everett Bleakney. Andy Kindle seconded the motion and motion carried. Treasurer Dana Baker advised the group of the Ledger balance. It was presented for all to review. Ray Santillo made a motion to approve the…

Koppel Borough Among Municipalites Granted Funds For Community Improvement Projects

HARRISBURG – Several area and nearby municipalities will receive state funding for community improvement projects according to State Sen. Elder Vogel, Jr. In a press release this week, Vogel announced the approval of more than $5 million in state funding for community improvement projects across the 47th Senate District. “I’m pleased to announce this critical funding for community improvement projects in the 47th Senate District,” Vogel said. “It’s important that state government partners with our local cities, townships and boroughs to help pay for projects that benefit local communities.” Of note is Koppel Borough which will receive $200,000 for streetscape improvements along…

Lawrence County Seeks Community Input About Internet Access

NEW CASTLE – The Lawrence County Commissioners this week announced its initiative to evaluate internet access and connectivity throughout the county. Link Up Lawrence is a multi-faceted project that will collect data and feedback over the course of several months to identify service needs and project opportunities. A final study and report will outline the findings and proposed next steps with the long-term goal of ensuring reliable high-speed internet is available to everyone in the county. A key part of the work is engaging those who live and work in Lawrence County to better understand their experiences with internet service….

POLICE: Weekly Police Blotter

BURGLARY: On March 3rd at approximately 5:10 p.m., the PA State Police Beaver Station was dispatched to a business in Georgetown Borough, Beaver County for a report of a burglary. According to the police report, and at some time between 6:00 p.m and 4:45 a.m., unknown actor(s) forcibly entered the property of Georgetown Sand and Gravel, damaged the security system, the surveillance cameras and stole approximately $1,000 in cash. The unknown actor(s) fled the area into West Virginia. Actors were seen leaving the area at approximately 4:45 a.m. It is believed that the actor(s) are operating a white Ford Truck…

ECASD Student Madylin McCommons Named Candidate in U.S. Presidential Scholars Program

Madylin McCommons, a graduating senior at Lincoln Jr/Sr High School, has been named one of more than 5,000 candidates in the 2023 U.S. Presidential Scholars Program. The candidates were selected from nearly 3.6 million students expected to graduate from U.S. high schools in the year 2023. Inclusion in the U.S. Presidential Scholars Program is one of the highest honors bestowed upon graduating high school seniors. Scholars are selected on the basis of superior academic and artistic achievements, leadership qualities, strong character and involvement in community and school activities. The U.S. Presidential Scholars Program was established in 1964 by Executive Order…

3rd Annual Clean Up Day On River Road Date Announced

Meet your neighbors under the Railroad Trestle and help make your community a better place. The 3rd Annual Clean Up Event has been schedule for Saturday, April 8th for River Road in Franklin Township. The event, sponsored by Keep PA Beautiful, Berkshire Hathaway & Lions Club, will take place on River Road under the railroad trestle from 9:00 a.m. until noon. Contact A&J Agents, Berkshire Hathaway Home Services, at amyandjoe@tprsold.com or 412-417-1332. For general PICK UP PENNSYLVANIA information: www.keeppabeautiful.org/programs/pick-up-pa/ or contact Michelle Dunn at 877-772-3673 x113 or mdunn@keeppabeautiful.org.