
ECASD Board Announces Elimination of Principal

*Note: This story was updated at 3 p.m. on July 10 to reflect the announcement of a resolution to suspend employment of a principal at Ellwood City Area School District. Citing a substantial decline in student enrollment of 15 percent during the 2015-2016 through 2019-2020 school years in the Lincoln High School, grades 7-12 building, the Ellwood City Area School District’s Board of Directors passed a resolution to suspend the employment of Nadia Engel, assistant principal at Lincoln High School. The resolution, received via email today, also states that the Board reserves the right to authorize and direct such other…

BC3 Announces Drive-Thru Commencement for Class of 2020

(Butler, PA) Graduates in Butler County Community College’s Class of 2020 can celebrate their achievement during a 1.2-mile-long drive-thru commencement that begins at 10 a.m. Aug. 1 on BC3’s main campus in Butler Township.Graduates who attended BC3’s main campus or its additional locations in Armstrong, Butler, Jefferson, Lawrence or Mercer counties and who have registered for commencement should bring their mortarboard, gown, tassel and degree cover to the ceremony, which is expected to last daylong. Graduates who have registered for the drive-thru commencement will be informed of their designated arrival time by email. Only one vehicle is requested per graduate….

Riverside June Board Meeting Recap

On Monday June 15, the Riverside Beaver County School District board meeting commenced as usual with a focus on the 2020-2021 school year budget. At this meeting, a school budget of 25.35 million was passed with an 8 to 0 vote with one member absent. It was also agreed on there not being a property tax increase and the board used $298,924 of surplus funds to meet budget. There was also 5 teacher retirement approvals, one resignation, and one of the teaching positions will be filled with a replacement. The budget included the retirement of 5 teachers with one of…

BC3 Announces President’s List, Dean’s List and Graduates for Spring 2020

Butler County Community College announced the names of students who have made the President’s List and Dean’s List for the spring 2020 semester, as well as the names of those who have graduated recently. Students who have achieved a cumulative GPA (grade-point average) of 3.75 or higher are named to the President’s List following completion of at least 12 semester hours or upon completion of degree requirements. Students who have achieved a cumulative GPA (grade-point average) of 3.5 to 3.74 are named to the Dean’s List following completion of at least 12 semester hours or upon completion of degree requirements….

ECASD Board Votes to ‘Remove’ Principal, Hire Three Teachers

The Ellwood City Area School District Board of Directors has voted to “restructure” the administration to eliminate the position of one principal and hire three teachers (2nd, 3rd, 5th grades). In a last minute motion, before tabling a vote on the $30 million budget, Director Jean Biehls made the motion to remove the principal. Biehls was joined with yes votes from Board President Renee Pitrelli and Directors Barbara Wilson, Kathleen McCommons, and Norman Boots. Directors Jennifer Tomon, Erica Gray, and Gary Rozanski voted “no.” The same three directors voted “no” to the hiring of the three teachers. This motion and…

BC3 Plans For A Flexible Fall Semester

Instructional delivery will range from face-to-face to online options, transition to remote Nov. 23 Butler County Community College is planning for a flexible fall semester by delivering credit-course instruction through face-to-face, remote, blended or online formats, BC3 President Dr. Nick Neupauer announced to the college’s board of trustees Wednesday. BC3 also announced Wednesday that it will freeze tuition and fees for the upcoming academic year at 2019-2020 rates, and that the college’s main campus in Butler Township and its five additional locations will begin operating in an expanded capacity July 6 under Gov. Tom Wolf’s green-phase reopening plan with regard…

Lincoln High School Class of ’68 Announcement

Lincoln High Schools graduating class of ’68 had originally made plans to hold an event to celebrate the classes 70th birthday. This birthday party had been scheduled for Friday, July 3, 2020 has been cancelled for this year and rescheduled for 2021. Many of the classmates had expressed their concerns about hosting an event of such large attendee numbers during the COVID-19 pandemic.    

NOTICE: Ellwood City School Board Vacancy

Effective June 9, 2020, a vacancy exists on the Board of School Directors of the Ellwood City Area School District.  The Board of School Directors intend to appoint the new director to fill the current vacancy at General Purpose Board Meeting to be conducted in July. In accordance with School Laws of Pennsylvania, the remaining members of the Board intend to fill the vacancy at a public meeting within thirty (30) days. The individual appointed will serve until the first Monday of December 2021. In addition to being a current resident of the District, Section 322 of the Public School…

Ellwood City Historical Society Scholarship Winners

On Wednesday June 3, the Ellwood City Area Historical Society awarded the Robert and Janice Barensfeld Scholarships.  Under adverse conditions due to the Covid 19, the awards had been delayed.  Two graduating students attending higher education were selected from several entries Gabrielle Louise Gretch, Riverside High School and is the daughter of Dan and Alice Gretch; essay was titled “The Selfless War Hero.”  Gabrielle will attend Shadyside School of Nursing this fall. It is a 16 month program and she will acquire a position at a UPMC hospital after graduation..   On June 22 she will start a Certified Nurse Assistant classes, then…

VIDEO: Pomp & Circumstance, LHS Class of 2020 Graduation Video

Pomp and Circumstance: Congratulations to Lincoln High School’s Class of 2020. Despite the challenges of honoring this year’s graduates, administration worked hard to provide as much of a traditional ceremony as possible including  the walk across the stage, photographs, filming, the speeches, the scholarship recognition, and family involvement along the way. According to High School Principal Kirk Lape, “It was definitely the most personable commencement ceremony we’ve ever had,” citing the attention that was paid to each individual graduate. Parents and students can download to any platform. If any parent or family member wants to purchase the video, they can…