EC Student Reaches Goal for Water Filling Stations

Makena Hall, Lincoln High School junior, has succeeded in her mission “to come together to create a better tomorrow.”

Hall led a thriving fundraiser to implement the installation of water bottle filling stations at Lincoln. She had a goal to raise $5,000 which is enough to cover three of the stations.

Her motto: “One school, one community, one planet” has a two-fold motivation. One is filtered, good tasting water to keep students hydrated and the second is less plastic bogging down our environment.

Hall attended the December 5th school board meeting to announce that she raised $3,547 to implement the water stations, which she said is enough to purchase three stations and four filters.

She thanked the community and also PA American Water, which graciously donated one additional station.

Hall’s efforts will allow four water stations to be installed at various locations in Lincoln High School.

Hall spoke during the October 10th board meeting saying that although her peers get thirsty, they don’t want to drink water out of the fountains because it doesn’t taste good and a past experience where the water was not suitable for drinking left a sour taste in the students mouths, so to speak, when considering using the water fountains.

“Having fresh water will help students get better grades,” she said, adding that hydration helps improve health and cognitive function.

More than just a focus on taste, Makena is seeing a bigger picture: sustainability.

According to her research, only one in every five bottles gets recycled leading to 150 million tons of plastic littering our oceans. Based on her research, she estimated that by the year 2050 there will be more plastic than fish.

“Together we can promote good health, a greener environment, and a cleaner planet,” she said.

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