Ellwood City Meals On Wheels Program Coming To An End

In a message released by Ellwood City Meals On Wheels (MOW) Officers to their clients and volunteers, it was announced this week the program will be coming to an end as of February 28, 2019.

According to the release and in conjunction with the financial hardship of the hospital, the MOW has decided that it would be difficult to continue, citing that the hospital was not paying their food or milk bills, the company had frozen their account.

“Some of the duties include almost volunteering 20 hours a week,” the statement reads. “This has taken a toll on some of our volunteers.”

Meals on Wheels delivers nutritious meals to older, convalescent or handicapped people who can’t prepare adequate meals for themselves for a variety of reasons.

Meals had been prepared and hosted by the hospital in past years, but now the hospital has informed MOW that as much as they hope to continue with preparing meals, there is no certainty. The hospital has asked the MOW program to find a backup solution.

Many organizations and churches have donated money to the MOW programs and, according to the release, the program currently has a surplus of contributions.  The program will be using these contributions by covering the cost of meals for the whole month of February. No fees will be collected for the remainder of the subscriptions.

For now, the program is reaching out to area churches and charities explaining what is needed to help the program survive. Supplies, kitchen time for meal prep, and volunteers are needed.

“It is our hope, that in the near future, the program will be restarted and that we can once again serve the people of Ellwood City,” the statement concludes.

According to Channa Robinson, they are currently looking into three possible new locations and will be holding meetings with these locations into next week. In addition to the new home, a chef would be needed for the program.

For those looking to continue to receive similar assistance, officers suggested Mom’s Meals (www.momsmeals.com) If you are currently a Medicaid/Medicare recipient, contact your assigned case manager. Request Mom’s Meals NourishCare to confirm your eligibility.

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