
Ellwood City Historical Society Membership Meeting May 14

   Everett Bleakney welcomed everyone to the May 14 meeting of the Ellwood City Area Historical Society.  There were 36 in attendance. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Guy Prestia, a WWII veteran. Minutes of the previous meeting were read.  Motion to accept was made by David Barensfeld and seconded by Ron Geddes. Treasurer’s report was given by Charlie Brown with a beginning balance of $5807.24 and an ending balance of $5836.60.  Motion to accept was made by Ron Geddes and seconded by Louise Carroll. Old Business:  Nothing to report. New Business:  Ron advised volunteers were needed to man…

Would you like to “Walk to Honor” a loved one in this year’s Memorial Day Parade?

On the fourth Monday of May, patrons of Ellwood City will gather in the North Side neighborhood for the annual Memorial Day Parade through town. Youth organizations, marching bands, city and state officials, fire trucks, police cruisers, and other community members participate in the parade across town to Veterans Memorial Park where the closing ceremonies are held. Memorial is a federal holiday in the United States for remembrance of people, family members and friends who died while serving in the country’s armed forces. The holiday, which is currently observed every year on the last Monday of May, will be held…


Be A Hero Relay For Life Survivor Luncheon Sunday, May 20, 2018 2:00 – 5:00 P.M. Join us as we celebrate our survivors at the Wurtemberg-Perry Fire Hill on Portersville Road with a luncheon. This is free to all survivors and a guest meal prepared by the Ladies Auxiliary Wurtemberg-Perry Fire Hall.  Relay For Life survivor shirts will be received at this time.  RSVP to Donna Kish at 724-944-4709, or the American Cancer Society 1-814-866-5174.  You can register on our website:    Be A Superhero Relay For Life  Saturday, June 2, 2018 1:00 – 10:00 P.M. Public is welcome to…

Riv-Ell Program to Challenge Future Business Leaders

First 10 Lincoln, Riverside seniors enroll in “unprecedented” collaborative effort among BC3, CCBC, E.C. chamber and benefactors (Ellwood City, PA) Ten Lincoln and Riverside high school seniors this fall will be the first to capitalize on a new Butler County Community College and Community College of Beaver County initiative whose instructors and mentors will guide the transformation of students’ ideas into feasible business plans, and culminate in 16 tuition-free transferrable credits – and a resume-building workplace certificate. BC3 and CCBC, in concert with the Ellwood City Area Chamber of Commerce and Ellwood City area businesses, have created the yearlong Riv-Ell…

Ellwood City Public Library Activities for The Week of May 14

Activities taking place at the Ellwood City Area Public Library for the week of May 14, 2018, include the following: Monday, May 14, at 6:30 p.m. – Classics Book Discussion Group for Adults. The group will discuss the book, “Death Comes for the Archbishop,” by Willa Cather. New members are welcome, so call the library at 724-758-6458 for more information. Tuesday, May 15, — The library will be participating in the “Fifth Grade Walking Tour,” sponsored by the Ellwood City Area Chamber of Commerce. Fifth graders will visit the library in groups throughout the day. Wednesday, May 16, at 10:00…


Vol.2 N0.5 May 2018 Ellwood City Area Historical Society 310 Fifth Street, Ellwood City, Pa 16117 724-752-2021 May 13, 2018 – Mother’s Day May 14, 2018 – Annual Barensfeld Family Scholarship Program June 29, 30, & July 1 – Ellwood City Arts, Crafts, & food Festival June – July– August – No Meetings NOTE: Monday, May 14 at 7:00 pm. ECAHS presents the annual Robert and Janice Barensfeld scholarship program. The scholarship award program began in 1999 and has awarded two scholarships of $1500.00 each to a Lincoln High School and Riverside High School graduating senior. 30 YEAR Anniversary The…

BodyShop Sets the TONE for Group Fitness

BodyShop Group Fitness, Ellwood City’s longest running fitness establishment, is excited to bring the newest group fitness class from Les Mills to the area.  The BodyShop, located in Creekside Commons at 324 Wampum Ave, is adding Les Mills TONE to their catalog of classes with a launch party on May 16, with two sessions: 5:30pm and 6:30pm. Les Mills TONE is a revitalization of a current class, BODYVIVE, and offers the optimal mix of strength, cardio and core training. This class, like all other Les Mills programs, uses science based, cutting edge fitness concepts and training methods while offering a variety of modifications to accommodate all…

Riverside High School Junior/Senior Prom and After-Prom

Riverside High School will celebrate their Junior Senior prom on Friday, May 11. The prom will take place at Shakespeare’s following the coronation ceremony. Students also have the option to participate in the after prom festivities that will take place at Shakespeare’s from Midnight to 5 am. Parents, family and friends are invited to view the coronation of the prom king and prom queen in the auditorium. Tickets are available for purchase starting April 30, in room 208 of the high school. Tickets will also be available for purchase at the door the night of prom. There are space limitations,…

Ellwood City Residents Turn Properties Into Beautiful Landscapes

Mayor Court has announced that once again Ellwood City residents will turn their properties into beautiful landscapes, bring the neighborhoods back to life for everyone to enjoy. This will be the 8th year that Mayor Court will present “Beautification Awards” and restaurant certificates to six (6) area residents who are nominated for taking pride in their properties throughout Ellwood City. Residents are encouraged to participate, by both beautifying your properties or by nominating someone you feel does a great job in making their property stand out in the neighborhood. Nominations will be accepted by phone, mail, Facebook or in person…

Ellwood City Area Public Library Activities for Week of May 7

Activities taking place at the Ellwood City Area Public Library include the following: Wednesday, May 9, at 10:00 a.m. — “Coloring for Adults,” a weekly program that is free and open to the public. “Coloring for Adults” is a program designed to help reduce the stresses of everyday life. Everyone is welcome, so call the library at 724-758-6458 for more information. Wednesday, May 9, at 1:00 p.m. — “Building Buddies,” a new program of fun and learning for toddlers and preschoolers. This interactive program allows kids to explore building and socialization skills. No registration is required, so call the library…