Riverside Lions Club Continues Their Community Outreach With A Variety of Programs

The Riverside Lions Club is continuing their community outreach through a variety of programs.

Once again, the club had the opportunity of being able to distribute thousands of school supplies to six different schools in the area. The supplies were furnished through Project Homefront.

“This is the third year we’ve been able to help the schools in our area,” says Lions Club spokesman, Chip Campbell. “We received two separate donations this year, giving us the opportunity to expand our reach.”

The club also collected three times from our Hygiene Helpers boxes located at the Franklin Township Giant Eagle and Dollar General.

“Well over 200 separate items have been collected since they were reinstalled in early August,” says Campbell.

According to Campbell, the collection was divided between the Riverside School system and the Holy Redeemer Social Services.

“We’d like to thank all of you who have contributed to this effort and remind you, the boxes are still out, so please keep them in mind when shopping. Every little bit helps.”

The club held a Pop-up Food drive in late September, targeting the small side of Ellport.

Mail boxes were posted on Tuesday and the food was picked up on Thursday.

“It was a very nice showing and we collect 2/3 of a pick-up truckload of food which was donated to the Holy Redeemer Food Bank,” says Campbell. “We’d like to thank all of you who helped in this effort and keep on the lookout for posted mailboxes in our area.”

Immediate Past District Governor/ King Lion, Erwin “Chip” Campbell was presented with the International President’s Certificate of Appreciation, at the District 14 N Fall Rally. In part for his effort in coordinating the western part of the states response to the flooding in Louisiana. The Lions of Pennsylvania filled a trailer truck with relief supplies and sent it to the flood victims in Louisiana.

King Lion Campbell is pictured with Past International Director Cindy Gregg, who presented him with the award. The certificate is the third highest award the Lions Clubs International award. Campbell also spearheaded the effort to help distribute over 20,000 pair of disposable goggles and thousands of bottles of hand sanitizer, throughout the seven Lions districts in western Pennsylvania. Campbell also initiated the District wide Hygiene Helpers program to help get donated hygiene products into the hands who need them.

The Riverside Lions also made plans for our Christmas Raffle. The tickets will be sold starting right after Halloween.


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