Franklin Township

Franklin Township Announces Drive-Thru Recycling Collection

Be responsible today for a better future tomorrow by responsibly recycling your household hazardous and electronic waste. Franklin Township has announced an upcoming drive-thru recycling collection event scheduled to take place Thursday, May 12, 2022 from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. The event is available for the ENTIRE PUBLIC, not just Franklin Township residents. The collection will take place at the Franklin Township Municipal Building, 897 Route 288, Fombell, PA 16123.  Registration is required. There are fees based on the type of recycled item and acceptable household and electronic items as well as prohibited items can be found on the…

Brush Creek Clean Up Scheduled

Take pride in your community and help clean up Brush Creek Park. Franklin Township has announced its Brush Creek Clean-Up date that will take place on Saturday, April 23rd from noon to dusk at the park. Volunteers are needed to help pick up garbage, sticks, & brush. Bring a team, ask friends, co-workers, clubs, school groups, and athletic teams. Brush Creek Park is located in the northeast corner of Beaver County and serves the citizens of the upper three quarters of the County and the people from the surrounding communities in Lawrence and Butler Counties. The park is a nature…

Franklin Township Announces Shadyrest & Soap Run Road Cleanup

Help keep Franklin Township clean and beautiful. A cleanup is planned for Shadyrest & Soap Run Road on Friday, April 8th (Rain date, April 18th). Registered groups will be meeting at the Franklin Township Community Park at 8:30 a.m. and will pick up until 11:00 a.m. Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful is providing clean up supplies through their PICK UP PENNSYLVANIA initiative. Please contact Dana Baker at 724-674-2579 to register yourself or your group. For general information on Pick Up Pennsylvania, please visit or contact Michelle Dunn,

River Road Clean Up Event Announced

Connect with your community and make it a better place! A Clean Up Event has been schedule on Sunday, April 24th for River Road in Franklin Township. The event, sponsored by Keep PA Beautiful, Berkshire Hathaway& Lions Club, will take place on River Road under the railroad trestle and is schedule to take place from 9:30 a.m. until noon.  A rain date is scheduled for April 30th Contact A&J Agents, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices,TPR 412-417-1332 For general PICK UP PENNSYLVANIA information: or contact Michelle Dunn at 877-772-3673 x113 or TO REDUCE THE SPREAD OF COVID 19: Keep Pennsylvania…

Registration Events Now Available For “Pick Up Pennsylvania”

Everyone wants to live, work, and play in a clean and green community… and it’s up to everyone to make it possible and improve the overall quality of life for us all. If anyone is interested in scheduling a cleanup in the area, Pick Up Pennsylvania offers free supplies by registering for one of its upcoming events. Registered events can get free trash bags, gloves, and safety vests donated by Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) while supplies last. Community and civic associations, schools and youth groups, families and friends, business employees, hunting and fishing…

Franklin Township 2022 Clean-Up Day Announced

Clean up your yard, clean up your home, and clean up your garage! Franklin Township residents are invited to participate in a township clean-up day planned for Saturday, May 7, 2021. The event will begin at 8:00 a.m. and last until 2:00 p.m. for township residents. Residents can drop off trash at the Franklin Township Building located on Route 288 in Fombell. This cleanup event is for township residents only, with two (2) passes allowed per household. A pass is good for one (1) load. Passes can be purchased in advance for $10.00 Car, $15.00 Truck or Trailer, $20.00 Dump…

New Garbage Service To Be Introduced In Franklin Township

According to information made available by the township, Waste Management pulled their dumpsters yesterday at Franklin Township without any notice. Aiken Refuse has agreed to provide the new service. They will be placing two dumpsters next week, but Aiken green bags will need to be purchased to use these dumpsters. The Aiken green bags can be purchased at the following four locations: Ellport Junction, 229 Portersville Rd, Ellwood City, PA 16117 | (724) 752-1950 B & B Market, 2335 River Rd, Ellwood City, PA 16117 | (724) 752-4401 Reed’s Services, 1312 Woodside Ave, Ellwood City, PA 16117 | (724) 752-1570…

Franklin Township Launches Riverside Christmas Angel Collection

The holidays are right around the corner and Franklin Township is set to help out those who need it this holiday season. The township has introduced a Riverside Christmas Angel Collection that will take place until December 15, 2021. All of the donations collected stay right here in the Riverside School District. The collection is in need of the following items **All items need to be new** Teen boy and girl Body wash and body sprays Nail polish, nail art supplies Shampoo & conditioner Deodorant male and female Cozy fun socks Bubble bath Tooth brush, toothpaste, dental floss Card games Make-up…

Appointments Still Available For Franklin Twp VFD Community Blood Drive

Please come out and support the local Franklin Township Fire Department by donating blood. There is still 17 appointments available for the blood drive event scheduled for this Friday, November 12, 2021. The event is scheduled to take place from 10:00 a.m to 3:00 p.m. at a Bloodmobile at the Franklin Township Building, 897 Route 288, Fombell, PA 16123. To schedule: Go to Click on new donor. Scroll down about 25 lines to Hero-Franklin with Twp address listed for 11/12. Hit select. Then choose what time you would like. If you need help scheduling you can also contact the…

Ellwood City, Franklin Twp Police To Participate In “No Shave November”

Say no to the blade and yes to cancer awareness. This month, both Ellwood City and Franklin Township Police Departments will be participating in ‘No Shave November’, a month-long journey whereby participants ditch razors and forego shaving and grooming facial hair as part of an effort to raise awareness and money to fight cancer. The Ellwood City Police Officers will be putting down their razors and making a monetary donation to Club Hope to help in the fight against cancer. If you would also like to make a donation to Club Hope, the Ellwood City Police Department will be collecting…