Ellwood City Borough Council

Residents at Risk of Losing Trash Service Because of Delinquent Bills

During Ellwood City Borough Council’s Regular Meeting, Ellwood City’s Borough Manager Kevin Swogger said that some residents are at risk to have their trash service ended because of delinquent bills. Swogger said that residents are still responsible for paying their trash bill in the winter months, and unlike with electric accounts that get a grace period during cold winter months, trash bills that are four months delinquent will see an end to service. “If you are not paying your trash bill and are over four months delinquent, you need to pay your bill,” he said. According to Swogger, residents can…

Ellwood City Borough Council Approves Numerous Upcoming Annual Events

Ellwood City Borough Council passed motions to approve numerous upcoming annual events that will be held on Borough property including Wander Ellwood, Dog Days of Summer, The Ellwood City Arts, Crafts & Foods Festival, and many others (please see motions passed below for details) during the January 21 Regular Meeting. Council also received an update on the Wampum Pump Station Project. Borough Manager Kevin Swogger announced that the Wampum Avenue Pump Station Project is about 93 percent completed. The Borough had announced the start of the project in October of 2023 in an effort to improve the infrastructure in the…

Borough Council Votes to Amend Rates and Charges on Utility Bills

Ellwood City Borough Council voted to amend the Electric Ordinance, specifically the schedule of rates and charges to be effective with the January 1, 2025 usage and reflected on the February 2025 utility bill and to establish a stabilized Purchase Power Adjustment (PPA) for the 2025 electric usage as $0.008/kwh sold. The move came following a significant rise in PJM (Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Maryland interconnection) capacity prices. PJM is a regional transmission organization (RTO) that coordinates the movement of wholesale electricity in all or parts of 13 states and the District of Columbia. Consumers, including Ellwood Electric customers will see a surge in rates…

Innovative Readiness Training (IRT) Program To Add Free Veterinary Care During July Training in Ellwood City

During Ellwood City’s Borough Council meeting, Borough Manager Kevin Swogger announced that the Innovative Readiness Training (IRT) program set to setup training in Ellwood City in July will add veterinary care to its lineup of free medical services. IRT is a Department of Defense (DoD) military training opportunity, exclusive to the United States and its territories, that delivers joint training opportunities to increase deployment readiness. Simultaneously, IRT provides key services (health care, construction, transportation, and cybersecurity) with lasting benefits for communities. Swogger said the group visited the city—one of many visits they will make before July—and the group plans to…

Columbia Gas Official Announces Meter Move Out Program at Borough Council Meeting

The Ellwood City Borough Council welcomed visitors from Columbia Gas who were in attendance to announce the Meter Move Out Program. Columbia Gas implemented the Meter Move Out Program to comply with a requirement from The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission to locate all gas meters and regulators outside and above ground. Learn more about the program here. Carla Parkes, senior public affairs specialist with Columbia Gas, said the program will impact commercial and residential properties within Ellwood City. Parkes said residents in the borough will start to receive letters from Columbia Gas alerting them to the program. Council President Brad…

Borough Manager: Ellwood City to Host Innovative Readiness Training (IRT)

Ellwood City Borough Manager Kevin Swogger announced during Monday night’s regular meeting of the Ellwood City Borough Council that Ellwood City will be the home of Innovative Readiness Training (IRT). IRT is a Department of Defense (DoD) military training opportunity, exclusive to the United States and its territories, that delivers joint training opportunities to increase deployment readiness. Simultaneously, IRT provides key services (health care, construction, transportation, and cybersecurity) with lasting benefits for communities. Ellwood City has been earmarked to receive FREE medical services for the community. Swogger said the service is 100% free to the community with no strings attached…

Council Approves Change Order for Wampum Avenue Pump Station Project; Recognizes Councilman Jim Barry for Years of Service

Ellwood City Borough Council voted to approve a $35,820 change order for the Wampum Avenue Pump Station Project during the July 15 meeting. The change stems from unforeseen field conditions. Tyler Watts, project manager, from Greenman-Pedersen, Inc., the engineer firm overseeing the project, said the cost could not be detected prior to a field inspection which is required for any contractor. “There are five laterals that need to be tied into the system,” she said. The amount will be paid from the PennVest contingency. Borough Manager Kevin Swogger said the project is 67% completed with an on-target completion date of…

Ellwood City Borough Council Announces 2024 Road Paving Project

Ellwood City Borough Manager Kevin Swogger said that residents can expect to see a lot of road construction this summer as part of the 2024 Road Paving Project during the June 17 Ellwood City Borough Council Meeting. He said that many of the projects are already underway. “The crews are working,” he said. “But completion of all projects will take a while.” He expects the projects to carry well into August. Some of those projects include work on 4th to 2nd Street; 5th Street to the area of the Sheetz convenience store; and Lawrence Avenue from Dollar General to the…

Ellwood City Borough Council Approves Two Year Agreement with Valley Waste Service

During Monday night’s Ellwood City Borough Council meeting, Council approved a two-year option agreement with Valley Waste Service to provide for refuse, recycling & yard waste collection. The new contract expiration date will be June 30, 2026. Borough Manager Kevin Swogger said the first year there will be no increase, and the second option year will come with a four percent increase. Monthly costs are as follows July 1, 2024-June 30, 2025: 95 gallon, $17.96; 35 gallon: $14.95; and Yellow Bags, $25 per roll and for July 1, 2025-June 30, 2026: 95 gallon, $18.39; 35 gallon, $15.53; and Yellow Bags,…

Ellwood City Borough Council: Per Capita Letter, Application Sent in Error

When residents opened their electric bills this week, they also received a letter and a Per Capita Tax Exemption Application, but borough officials said both the letter and application should be discarded. Borough Council President Brad Ovial said the letter and form were sent in error. “Disregard the letter and application. It was a mistake that will be corrected and sent out next month,” he said. According to Ovial, residents should throw away the additional items received this week, but do need to fill out the form that will be received next month. In addition, there is no per capita…