
Veterans’ Specialist to Visit Gibbons’ Office Next Week

State Rep. Jaret Gibbons, D-Beaver/Butler/Lawrence, today announced he will host veterans’ specialist Stephanie Bengoa in his Ellwood City office from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 9 to lend help to veterans and their families. Bengoa, of the American Legion’s Veterans Assistance program, will be in Gibbons’ office to assist veterans with understanding what benefits they have earned, filing appeals to existing claims, enrolling in the Veterans Administration health care system and any other question regarding benefits. Gibbons’ Ellwood City office is at 438 Line Ave. No appointment is necessary. Constituents with questions can contact Gibbons’ office at 724-752-1133.

Christmas Parade Lineup

The annual Ellwood City Christmas Parade will be held this Saturday at 3:30 p.m. Current forecasts predict Saturday to be 52° and sunny. The parade will start at the intersection of Fourth Street and Lawrence Avenue. Participants will march down Lawrence Avenue, turn left on Eighth Street, turn left on Crescent Avenue and return to the Holy Redeemer School parking lot to disband. Spectators lining the streets will see a wonderful lineup including Santa Claus, the Pirate Parrot and the Lincoln High School Marching Blue Band. DJ Greg Marshall will play Christmas carols in front of the Ellwood City Municipal…

Schedule of Christmas Events this Weekend

This weekend promises to be a merry time with lights, parades, horse and carriage rides, and more. Because so many Christmas events have been coordinated around each other, it can be difficult to keep track of what’s when. Here’s a convenient schedule: Friday, Dec. 4 6 to 8 p.m.: Light Up Night on Lawrence Avenue featuring entertainment by Rudy Zetz, Janet Falotico and Sharon Grey 6:30: Lightning of the 30 foot Christmas Tree and Zambelli Fireworks in the Community Plaza 8 to 10:30: “It’s a Wonderful Life” free screening at the Lincoln High School Auditorium Saturday, Dec. 5 10 a.m….

Ellwood City United Fund December Campaign

Over the last 25 years, the Ellwood City United Fund has collected and provided over $1.6 million in funds to our service agencies. In order to help our agencies, the United Fund released the last allotment of 2015 two months early. “The total amount of funds released to the United Fund agencies for 2015 was $49,800,” Treasurer Andy Kindle said. All funds collected by the United Fund stay in the Ellwood City area. It is only by the generosity of the community that the United Fund agencies are able to serve our neighbors and friends who are in need and…

Tax Office Reminder

After Dec. 15, no business or personal checks will be accepted by the tax collector. Payments must be cash, money-order or bank checks.

Toys for Tots Sponsored by the Franklin Township Volunteer Fire Department

Many children who reside in Beaver County will have a less-than-merry holiday season because their families have fallen on hard times. If you would like to help a child, please bring a new unwrapped toy by December 10 to: Franklin Township Municipal Building 897 State Route 288 Fombell, PA 16123 Monday-Friday 8:30-3:30 p.m. Franklin Township Volunteer Fire Department 808 Old Zelienople Road Ellwood City, PA 16117 Monday’s from 6:00 P.M. – 8:00 P.M. If you have any questions, please call Shannon Schlosser at 724-758-9702 Sponsored by the Franklin Township Volunteer Fire Department. Thank you for your donation.

Relay for Life Upcoming Events

Looking For A Few Good Persons As the Ellwood City Relay For Life starts its 2016 year, we are in search of individuals that are outstanding in working with the community to lead our committee to greater rewards than in years past. Even if you have just a few moments in your busy schedule, we could use your guidance and knowledge. Openings are in the areas of Chairperson, Sponsorship, Team recruitment, Chinese Auction, Logistics and Survivors. You are invited to join us at our committee meetings to learn more about these openings and other places your service can be helpful…

November Crime Watch and Mayor’s Advisory Meeting Briefs

Mayor’s Advisory Meeting The Mayor’s Advisory met on Nov. 19 with the committee discussing vandalism, drugs and concerns about the robbery at B&B (North Sewickley). Also discussed was the possible drop in crime in and around the Loop Street area. The committee as a whole believes that the cameras placed in this area played a major role in the decreased crime rate, although statistics show crime has dropped throughout the borough, regardless of cameras. Members were also concerned about the recent fire at Inmetco and the air quality in the borough. Residents approached Mayor Anthony J. Court to see if…

Library Activities Week of 11-30-2015

Activities taking place at the Ellwood City Area Public Library include the following: Wednesday, Dec. 2, at 6:30 p.m. – Evening Book Discussion Group for Adults. The group will discuss the book, “The Husband’s Secret,” by Liane Moriarity. More information is available by calling the library. Thursday, Dec. 3, at 3:30 p.m. – Creative Writing Workshop for students in 9th grade and up. The group meets twice each month to share their work and discuss writing tips and techniques. New members are always welcome, so call the library for more information. Thursday, Dec. 3, at 6 p.m. – Adult Knitting…

Christmas Arrives in Wampum Dec. 3 and 5

Mark your calendars! This Thursday at 6 p.m. is Wampum’s Light Up the Town and on Saturday at 1 p.m., the Wampum Area Christmas Parade makes its 43rd march through the town. Light Up the Town – Attendees will enjoy how Wampum has yet again reinvented their “Light Up the Town” with the addition of a 15 minute pyrotechnic display donated by a longtime Wampum supporters Mimi and Jerry Davis. Another addition is Face Painting at the recently renovated historic Wampum Station as well as a chainsaw wood carver who will be carving a figure throughout the night. The long…