
United Fund Thanks Contributors to 2015 Campaign

The Ellwood City United Fund extends a special thank you to all of the contributors to the 2015 United Fund Campaign. It’s only through your caring that we are able to provide funds for those in need. Connie MacDonald Lori Dunham The Ellwood Group Ed and Cindy Leymarie Nancy Strutt Agnes Zikeli Glenn Koach Walt Freson Ray and Lorena Dombeck Wm Brandt Kathy T. Blank Lutz & Myers ESB Bank Home Instead Care Good Wheels Family Eye Car Brad and Lisa Ovial Frank Fotia Don and Karan Ries Beth Wyszomierski Mary McClurg John and Carol Todorich Gus and Grace Fornataro…

Relay for Life Upcoming Events

The Circle of Friends Relay For Life team is hosting a Paint Party on Saturday, March 12 as a fundraiser for the next Women’s Retreat. Come join them at Fellowship Hall in North Sewickley Presbyterian Church on Chapel Drive beginning at 2 p.m. The party will be fun and a beautiful painting will be completed by everyone there. No need to be embarrassed, everyone’s eye is different and each painting is unique, whether you can paint or not. Our guest artist will walk us through the picture, so don’t stay away because you can’t draw or paint. It’s made easy!…

Hitched and Unhitched: Heart of Winter Edition

Hitched and Unhitched has been updated for the winter months of December and January. The region experienced a mild winter full of mud instead of snow. Overall, the number of couples making radical life decisions via marriage or divorce was rather low. Eight couples in the Ellwood City area sealed their love with the bonds of matrimony and nine couples filed for divorce. Check them out with this edition of Hitched and Unhitched.

Mayor’s Crime Watch February Meeting

Mayor Anthony J. Court will hold his February 2016 Crime Watch Meeting on Thursday, Feb. 25 at 6:30 p.m. in Council Chambers. All Ellwood City residents and business owners are encouraged to attend.

Ellwood City Area Public Library Activities for Week of Feb. 15, 2016

Activities taking place at the Ellwood City Area Public Library include the following: The library will be closed on Monday, February 15, in observance of the Presidents’ Day Holiday. Normal hours will resume on Tuesday, Feb. 16. Tuesday, Feb. 16, at 1:30 p.m. – Afternoon Book Discussion Group for Adults. The group will discuss the book, “The Burgess Boys,” by Elizabeth Strout. Call the library at 724-758-6458 for more information. Tuesday, Feb. 16, at 3:30 p.m. – Creative Writing Workshop for students in 9th grade and up. The group meets twice each month to share their work and discuss writing…

Mayor Presents Commendation to Loccisano’s for a Century of Business

On Tuesday, Feb. 11, Mayor Anthony J. Court presented Loccisano’s Golden Dawn grocery a commendation for a 100 years of family business in Ellwood City. Members of the fourth generation generation of the Loccisano’s family received the commendation from, as well as a plaque from the Ellwood City Area Chamber of Commerce. “We are here to recognize not one year, not five years, not 25 years, but 100 years of family-operated business in Ellwood City,” Chamber Director Ray Santillo said.          

Beaver County Annual Snow Shovel Riding Championship Postponed

The Beaver County Commissioners, with their Departments of Recreation & Tourism and Public Works, have determined that the 53rd Annual Snow Shovel Riding Championship, previously scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 13 at Old Economy Park, must be postponed due to weather. The Championship is postponed until Saturday, Feb. 20 or until the conditions on a subsequent Saturday have sufficient snow cover to conduct the event. The event will not be postponed beyond February. Scheduling inquiries can be made my calling 724-770-2060 or by checking the Beaver County Ice Arena’s Facebook Page.

Rotary Club January Meeting

The Rotary Club of Ellwood City meets every Thursday at 6 p.m. at the Connequenessing Country Club. In January, the club’s programs included Vocation Service presentation by Gerald Crowley. He discussed his life as a lawyer and his years in law practice. He’s a graduate of Temple Law School in Philadelphia. Jeff Magnifico, Deputy EMA Coordinator, coordinates emergency services including paramedics for a 13 county area including Lawrence and Beaver Counties. He also spoke on the recent emergency that happened at INMETCO. Suzanne Bleakney, Ellwood City Community Partnership founder, explained how this organization will provide a full range of social…

Beaver Falls Library Receives “Curiosity Creates” Grant

Beaver Falls, Pa. – The Carnegie Free Library of Beaver Falls (CFLBF) recently received a $6000.00 Curiosity Creates Grant from the Association for Library Service to Children, a division of the American Library Association. The Beaver Falls Library is one of 79 public libraries in the United States to have been awarded the grant which is underwritten by a generous donation from The Walt Disney Company. The purpose of a Curiosity Creates Grant is to fund the development and implementation of creativity projects for children ages 6-14. CFLBF’s Children’s Librarian, Christine Kroger, has developed and is currently implementing a yearlong…

Mayor Swears in Newest full time Patrol Officer

It was with great pride that Mayor Anthony J. Court swore into office the newest hired full time patrol officer for Ellwood City’s police force, Jonathan Fauzey. Fauzey will work side by side with a veteran officer of the force to enhance his skills while upholding the integrity of the entire Department. Fauzey was hired during the January Ellwood City Borough council meeting.