
Ellwood City SD Offers District Reopening Plan Q&A

In a published document on the Ellwood City School District website, the school offers question and answer document for parents regarding the district’s reopening plans.  The reopening plan was posted on the school district website on July 31. 1. Concerns with hour delay in morning, why morning and not afternoon, please consider afternoon? Lessons will be posted and the teachers will hold office hours during this time. The morning was chosen so students would have access to their work early in the day. In addition, for students attending school, it seemed that childcare would be easier to arrange in the…

Riverside SD Reopening Parent Letter

In a letter published on the school district website this week, Riverside Beaver County School District Administration Team provided more information on its reopening plans including instructional plans and Chromebook distribution: Dear Parents/Guardians of Riverside Students, As the upcoming school year rapidly approaches, the administration and the members of the Riverside Beaver County Board of Education recognize the questions and concerns relating to the return of school and the upcoming procedures we will follow within the district. Continually, we are proactively utilizing guidance and recommendations from the CDC as well as the Pennsylvania Department of Education to formulate our plans….

ECASD New Board Director Has Determined Focus on Education

Matt Morella is back and has his sights set on education. Morella is no stranger to the Ellwood City Area School District Board of Directors as he has served on the board before. He is also invested in the community. Morella grew up in Ellwood City alongside his brother and sister before spreading his wings to earn a BA in Political Science from the University of Pittsburgh and is currently preparing for the Bar Exam after earning a Juris Doctor (JD) from Pitt’s School of Law. Morella joined the board on July 3 when he replaced former Director Leroy Cortez,…

Letter To The Editor: It Needs Fixed NOW

All one has to do is listen to some of the board meetings online to get an idea of just how toxic a few members have made the entire board. Is the public aware there are members who are voting on agenda items brought up simply because their own kids are in that particular sport/event? For months those members talked about the soccer program because that board members kids was in soccer. For months they wasted time on band lunch and band uniform cleaning services. Why?? Because the board presidents kid is in band. Gifted field trips and volleyball nets…

Letter To The Editor: Tip Of The Cap

July 13, 2020 To the editor: The following is a tip of the cap to a colleague who has been a leader in the field of education during the recent pandemic. The gentleman that we wish to recognize is Mr. Joe Mancini. Joe has been our representative to the state organization, PASA. More importantly, Joe has organized, set agendas, and led at least a dozen Google meetings between the superintendents of Lawrence County. Under his leadership we have been able to craft plans for continuity of education, discussed impacts to budgets, modes of instruction, options for feeding students and much…

Letter To The Editor: Chaos on EC School Board

I spent the last 12 years on the Ellwood City School Board before stepping down in December at the end of my third term. Through that experience, I have first-hand knowledge of how this Board operates. The way this Board has treated Superintendent Joe Mancini is a disgrace. Mr. Mancini did a great job during his years as Superintendent, but certain members of the Board have been out to get him for some time. Unfortunately, when I retired from the Board and Ms. Woodhead was not re-elected in the last election, there was a shift on the Board. Finally, when,…

Riverside School District Announces Return To School Plan

In an open letter published Friday, July 17th on the Riverside Beaver County School District website, the district Administrative Team published the district’s return to school plan, including information on transportation, face coverings and the district’s cyber program.  The statement reads as follows: The 2020-2021 school year is rapidly approaching, and our Pandemic Response Team is actively developing plans to accommodate a high level of rigor and curriculum delivery while also ensuring that all staff and students are safe to return to the buildings. It is imperative to note that Riverside families and students have been, and will continue to…

ECASD: Mancini Out, Shipley In As Interim Superintendent

In a special meeting Friday night, the Ellwood City Area School District’s Board of Directors accepted the resignation of Superintendent Joseph Mancini (effective September 22, 2020), voted to put him on administrative leave with pay until that date, and replaced him with Interim Superintendent Dr. Wes Shipley. Board President Renee Pitrelli; Board Vice President Gary Rozanski; and Directors Barbara Wilson, Matt Morella, Jean Biehls, Norman Boots, and Kathleen McCommons supported the moves. Directors Jennifer Tomon and Erica Gray dissented. Tomon publicly questioned Pitrelli regarding the appointment of Wesley as interim superintendent. “When did the board direct you to do so?”…

ECASD Planning Multiple Options for Back to School

Back to School this year could look quite different for the Ellwood City Area School District. Due to Covid-19, going back isn’t just as simple as going back. With state mandates and guidelines changing weekly, if not daily, administrators and educators in the district are working to develop multiple plans for multiple scenarios. The district’s pandemic task force and its subcommittees have been meeting regularly to make sure that students can return safely. “In late June, we were hoping for a full reopening,” said ECASD’s Superintendent Joseph Mancini at a recent board of directors meeting. Mancini said that hope changed…

ECASD Board Passes SEIU Contract

Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 32BJ workers in the Ellwood City Area School Disrict now have a contract. The School Board unanimously approved a 6-year contract, which will secure all the jobs of the district cafeteria, custodial, maintenance, secretary/clerks and instructional and personal aides. According to Thomas Breth, legal counsel for the district, terms under the new contract, which is retroactive to 2017, all employees will remain employees. Workers agreed to a wage freeze. In addition, new hires will be subject to the elimination of one paid holiday, a reduction in starting wage, employee-only healthcare coverage, and a longer…