An Evening of Shorts
The New Castle Playhouse presents An Evening of Shorts, directed by Annette Crowe and Daniel Lavancioni on Sept. 22 and 23 starting at 7:30p.m. More information on the flyer below.
The New Castle Playhouse presents An Evening of Shorts, directed by Annette Crowe and Daniel Lavancioni on Sept. 22 and 23 starting at 7:30p.m. More information on the flyer below.
Good Samaritan Hospice is hosting a butterfly release at 2p.m. on Sunday the 27, at the Four Seasons Pavilion at Brady’s Run Park in Beaver Falls. Anyone is welcome to release a butterfly to honor and celebrate the memory of a loved one. Participants are asked to reserve a live butterfly in advance for $10 each. Call the Concordia Lutheran Ministries Foundation at 724-352-1571 ext. 8363 to volunteer or find out more information.
Because of the Opioid addiction and overdose deaths impacting every population in the United States throughout all communities and having no boundaries, racial or economic, Lt. David Kingston of Ellwood City Police Department has joined forces with the Rite Aid Foundation/KidCents Program to do Ellwood City’s part in helping to stop this epidemic. Many Law Enforcement agencies, including ECPD participate in the national DEA Drug Take Back Program for residents to dispose of their unused or expired prescription medications. Though the program is great, people wonder what they can do with their unused and/or expired prescriptions until the next Take…
Butler, PA – For the fifth consecutive year, Butler County Community College has been designated a Military Friendly institution by Victory Media, a success BC3’s veterans coordinator attributes to the school’s consistent outreach to servicemen and women pursuing higher education and one applauded by area veterans organizations. Continued recognition by Victory Media, the Moon Township publisher of G.I. Jobs magazine and one that connects the military community with companies and schools, acknowledges BC3’s diligence on behalf of its student-veterans, Stella Smith said. “We have continued, and we haven’t slacked,” said Smith, BC3’s associate director of financial aid and who as…
The Pennsylvania Departments of Agriculture (Ag), Environmental Protection (DEP), and Health (DOH) along with the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission announced a “DO NOT EAT” advisory for all fish species caught in the Shenango River in Mercer and Lawrence Counties due to extremely high levels of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB). The advisory extends to all fish between the Shenango Lake Dam and the mouth of the Shenango River in New Castle, PA. DEP is currently investigating possible sources of the PCB contamination. A “DO NOT EAT” advisory was already in effect for the river for muskellunge, carp, and channel catfish, and…
Butler, PA – Above the squeaks and echoes inside Butler County Community College’s Field House are shouts of “Five! Five! Five!” and “A! A! A!” and “Three! Three! Three!” – sounds of BC3’s 2017 volleyball team reacting to the flight of the ball and establishing order in what might otherwise be chaos, Coach Rob Snyder said. “No team sport,” Snyder said, “requires communication like volleyball. Think of a football team that had to run both offense and defense in the same play with no huddles or breaks to switch directions. It would be chaos.” For sophomores Brittney Bianco, Kelly Kabay…
No matter what the circumstances, grief recovery is a painful process, and that’s why Calvin Presbyterian Church hosts GriefShare seminars, a support group to help those grieving. The program will be facilitated by Ginny Brest and the first session is scheduled for Sunday, September 10 from 1:300-3:30 p.m. in the church parlor. The group will meet each Sunday afternoon for 13 weeks, concluding on December 3 . While participants are encouraged to complete the 13-week program if possible, attendance is not mandatory each week. The program is free and open to anyone in the community (and beyond) because we understand how deeply grief…
In 2000, Melissa “Murf” Becker was given a defective mesh implant in which her body rejected. She has undergone 7 different surgeries to remove the mesh, that her doctors have labeled “chicken wire”, all of the surgeries have failed. She has developed multiple problems, she suffers from Celiac’s Disease, pelvic pain, chronic long term pain and neuropathy. Melissa is now confined to a wheel chair because the simple act of walking is extremely painful. She has seen many doctors who refuse to operate due to the complexity of the mesh implant in her body. After extensive research she found a…
The Lincoln High School Class of 1968 will hold a Fiftieth Anniversary Reunion organizing committee meeting on Tuesday, August 29 at 7:00 pm at the Ellwood City SOI. Anyone interested in working on the committee, please plan on attending the meeting. All are welcome. For any additional details, please call Duane Maietta at 724-513-8111.
Butler, Pa – It’s the short game and short memory from the tallest player that Bill Miller has coached in his 14 years with the Butler County Community College golf team that may loom largest in BC3’s bid to claim its fifth consecutive Western Pennsylvania Collegiate Conference title and ninth overall. Michael Rozzi, a 6-foot-6 Neshannock High School graduate, averaged a 79 in 2016-17 in helping an all-freshman squad to an 8-1 finish and BC3’s eighth straight winning season. Rozzi earned a spot on the WPCC all-conference team in October and in May fired a two-round 159, placing second and…