Borough Offering Christmas Tree Disposal

According to information made available by the Borough of Ellwood City, residents may drop off live Christmas trees (decorations removed) at Stiefel Park now through January 31, 2024.

The announcement was made at Monday’s regularly scheduled borough council meeting.

Treecycling is a process that grinds old, unwanted live trees into other useful materials — mainly mulch. Since live trees are biodegradable, they can be safely composted, mulched or disposed of with other yard waste.

Want to do it yourself? The evergreen boughs from your Christmas tree are an ideal base layer for compost piles. Branches allow airflow at the bottom of the pile providing the oxygen and heat necessary for the upper layers of the pile to decompose. Give branches a trim as needed to fit in your pile or bin before stacking them a few inches high. Once this layer is in place, add kitchen scraps and compostable items as usual.

Trees can also be donated to wildlife preserves or wetland restoration efforts after the holidays are over.

1 Comment on "Borough Offering Christmas Tree Disposal"

  1. Our trees have been down for almost 3 weeks now. Better late than never tho, I guess.

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