Natural Gas Odor Forces Brief Evacuation At Lincoln High School

An odor of natural gas detected in a Lincoln High School storage room Thursday morning, forcing a brief evacuation of the high school.

This according to the Ellwood City Area School District and superintendent Wes Shipley.

“We evacuated the building to Hartman while Columbia Gas and the local fire department investigated,” said Shipley in an emailed statement Friday.

Both Columbia Gas and the fire department noted that the levels of gas in the air were minute and were not at an explosive level.

In addition the Carbon Monoxide levels were never a concern according to Shipley.

“With their help, our maintenance crew was able to locate the area from which the gas was leaking and turn off the gas to that area,” said Shipley. “After we were given the all clear, students returned to Lincoln and finished their day.”

While students were at Hartman, students were fed and many students were picked up by their families.

Shipley would like to thank the teachers, secretaries, cafeteria workers, police and maintenance crew for the professional way they handled the situation.

Thank you, also, to the students and families for remaining calm and cooperative during the ordeal.

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