Lincoln High School Releases Updated COVID-19 Policies

With the new COVID-19 variant lurking, schools are now taking a closer look at their policies and making changes they see fit. Lincoln High School has made some changes and updates to their mask policies and what to do about positive cases. These policies will go into effect starting Friday, January 14th.

The masks will remain in the school. Students and staff who are identified as possible exposure IN SCHOOL ONLY, can avoid quarantine by masking while in school for 10 calendar days. Students and staff who experience symptoms must quarantine. Students and staff who are unable to wear a mask must quarantine.

Student athletes who are identified as possible exposure IN SCHOOL ONLY, can continue to play sports after presenting a negative COVID-19 test (after exposure) due to the close, unmasked contact during games and


These are current CDC guidelines will be effective immediately. Students and staff that are exposed to or test positive for the COVID-19 virus in the community will quarantine or five days or until fever and symptoms subside – whichever is LONGER and then they may return to school wearing a mask for an additional five days. Students and staff that are unable to wear a mask must quarantine for ten days.


This policy is also effective immediately. Students and staff that are exposed to the COVID-19 virus in their home due to a family member who has tested positive must quarantine for ten days at home (five days while the positive case quarantines, and five additional days of personal quarantine due to exposure). After ten days, the exposed student/staff member may return wearing a mask for five additional days.

It is asked that all symptomatic students and staff are to stay home and seek medical attention.

All students that are masking due to exposure will have separate eating arrangements provided in each school building to reduce the risk of additional exposures.

View the school website for more information and the Ellwood City Area School District Covid-19 Dashboard

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