Ellwood City School Board Approves Soccer Funding

The Ellwood City School Board voted unanimously Thursday to approve funding of no more than $4,300 to the boys and girls teams for transportation and referee costs.

Before the vote, during the visitors comment portion, numerous soccer supporters spoke on behalf of the teams.

Jerry Hermann, visitor, told the board saying no is saying no to a dedicated group of kids.

“Be encouragers, not discouragers,” Hermann said.

Jean Biehls, visitor, encouraged the board to “open their minds” and look at funds dedicated to other athletics.

“We need to let them know that they are just as important,” Biehls said.

Lisa Nardone, visitor, commented that the board was waiting for the roster numbers to climb, and that with 31 players, their roster is now comparable to the football program’s participation.

“I thought if they got the numbers, the money would follow,” Nardone said.

Approximately 12 players from the soccer teams attended the meeting along with a handful of soccer parents–many of which stood to speak on behalf of the teams.

The unanimous vote brought relief to the crowd who later thanked the board for “doing the right thing.” The soccer athletes in attendance also thanked the board.

This decision follows numerous meetings featuring discussion on the topic and specifically a “special meeting” that was held on August 16 when the board decided to allow the soccer program to use the Ewing Park School property for practice and to order nets to facilitate those practices.

At that time, practices were moved to Ewing Park to allow for more practice availability time in the hopes to attract additional players.

That “special meeting” came upon the heels of a split vote of 4-4, at the board’s August 8 regular meeting to reject the motion for funding of no more than $4,300 to the boys and girls teams for transportation and referee costs.

At that time, votes to fund the program came from board members McCommons, Wilson, Renee Pitrelli and Norman Boots. Votes to deny the funding came from board President Jennifer Tomon and board members LeRoy Cortez, Erica Gray and Danielle Woodhead. School director Michael Neupuer was absent from the meeting.

The request for funding originated with Wilson. Wilson said during a May board meeting that the teams were functioning with old, outdated equipment, broken nets, mishappen uniforms, and in some cases a lack of equipment (specifically shelter and/or benches on the sideline).

1 Comment on "Ellwood City School Board Approves Soccer Funding"

  1. The school board approved partial funding. Although grateful, the parents continue to fund well over 60% of the program.

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