Project Educate Trauma Workshop Scheduled

Project Educate will be hosting a complimentary workshop on little to big traumas and how to transcend them.

This workshop will be held at National Grind on Monday, March 11 from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. There will be beverages and snacks provided, as well as available child care.

The workshop will be geared towards students aging from 14 to 21 along with their parents, families, and professional supports. It will be focusing on those with transition challenges ( a 504 plan/IEP, anxiety, autism, chronic illness, cognitive or other disability, emotional/learning support, hearing/seeing issues, medical/mental health diagnosis, mood/personality disorder, substance use issues, etc).

Project Educate will be answering the question of what is trauma, and how does it impact our Central Nervous System as well as offering evidence-based ways to heal the body, mind, and spirit. They will also be covering the nature of trauma and its effects on teens and families and how to regain emotional balance, feel safer, and how to begin to heal.

These presentations will be done by Debra Flint, LCSW from The Crisis Shelter and Andrea Morrison, MS, and LBS from Family Behavioral Resources.

You can RSVP to 724-841-9771 or through their Facebook. However, walk-ins are welcome. All Project Educate materials are also available in alternate formats upon your request.

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