Congratulations to the Lincoln High School 2018 Homecoming Queen Court! The court that was announced last week includes Kaitlyn Francis, Bella Rangel, Mia DeCaria, Ariana Garroway, Natalia Greco, Katherina Boesendorfer, Madeline Spadafore, Isabella Roth, and Maura Agostinelli. Boesendorfer is an exchange student from Germany and is an honorary member of the court.
Tickets for Ellwoods Friday Night Homecoming football game will be on sale Thursday & Friday in the main office at Lincoln High School.
Cost of tickets:
Student – $1.00
Adults – $5.00
No student tickets will be sold at the game.
The Lincoln High School Wolverines will face the Freedom Bulldogs on Friday, September 21st, at 7 p.m. Prior to the game, the 2018 Homecoming Queen Court will be introduced, with the crowning taking place during halftime.
There will be a junior high dance in the small gym that evening, from 9-10:30 p.m. Junior high students can pay at the door.
The senior high will have their Homecoming semi-formal in the LHS Cafeteria on Saturday, September 22nd, from 7:30-10 p.m.
Sign ups are required in advance for the Senior High dance and can be done during lunch in the Commons Area.

From top left, to bottom right are Kaitlyn Francis, Bella Rangel, Mia DeCaria, Ariana, Garroway, Natalia Greco, Katherina Boesendorfer, Madeline Spadafore, Isabella Roth, and Maura Agostinelli.
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