Ellwood City Council Agenda Brief

The following is a brief summary of items discussed at the Ellwood City borough council agenda meeting on Monday, May 14:

Beechwood Blvd Address Added to Agenda

Council member Michelle Lamenza requested a motion be added to the agenda to repeal a motion changing several Beechwood Boulevard addresses to Constitution Boulevard addresses. Earlier in the year, council approved these changes to make it easier for emergency responders to find specific addresses.

However, some of the affected constituents hired a lawyer, Al Torrence, of Beaver County, to ask council to repeal the motion. In the March meeting, Torrence argued that the change would affect property values due to Beechwood Boulevard having a prestigious association.

Lamenza felt that council should reconsider on behalf of the affected residents. However, council member Rob Brough said that other residents had already gone about the process of changing their address, and council had previously voted unanimously on the motion.

Council president Judi Dici agreed to place Lamenza’s motion on the agenda, although she stated, “It seems as though many people are complying.”


  • A visitor asked council what budget contingencies are in place in the event House Bill 2030 passes. Borough solicitor Ed Leymarie said council will absolutely need to create a budget plan and council president Judi Dici added, “It is something we need to do more diligently.”
  • A motion to purchase a volleyball court lighting package was pulled.
  • Council will be considering inspections of rental properties.
  • Council cannot provided further information on the borough manager hiring process at this time.
  • Council will vote on the purchase of a surveillance video camera for Circle Playground with the choice between a $8,500 and a $9,800 camera. Council approved the cheaper camera in November, however a newer model is now available. As such, council members Brough and Dici questioned why the cheaper model wasn’t already purchased. Council subsequently requested comparative schematics before making a decision.

2 Comments on "Ellwood City Council Agenda Brief"

  1. Prestigious! Give me a break! Most of the houses in that area are eyesores! Maybe cut the grass properly and pull some weeds. I don’t consider that prestigious! A little curb appeal goes a long way!

    • Rachel, the former council President now resides on Beechwood Blvd. Does that explain everything? I grew up on Beechwood, no one ever spoke of it until he moved into the neighborhood. Since his moving in, the turn we lived with for well over 50 years had to be voted on by council and declared dangerous. Now its too “prestigious” to comply with 911.

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