Town Hall Meeting to Discuss House Bill 2030

An informational “Save Our Town” meeting has been planned for Thursday May 3, beginning at 6:30pm at the Ellwood City Municipal Building Auditorium.

A recent passage in Harrisburg of House Bill 2030 (HB 2030) specifically targeting Ellwood City Borough has raised serious concerns on the future of the town.

Ellwood City for years has transferred money from the electric fund to balance the Borough’s general fund budget. The city is one of 35 other municipalities statewide where residents and businesses buy their electricity from the municipality instead of a private utility. This allows smaller municipalities to provide vital services and other amenities to its residents while keeping property taxes and other taxation at a reasonable rate.

Republican State Representative Aaron Bernstine first introduced House Bill 1405 (HB 1405) which would affect all 35 municipalities, within the local government committee in Harrisburg Feb. 13. To date no committee vote or any other activity has taken place.

Following HB 1405 being stalled in committee, Bernstine introduced HB 2030 which mirrors HB 1405 but targeting only Ellwood City in his district for its transfer of funds. The bill passed the state government committee by a 12-8 vote and is now headed to the Senate. The potential of this bill to pass the Senate lends itself to Harrisburg further legislating local governments.

Since word of the bill has passed, Senator Elder Vogel’s office has been flooded with calls and emails supporting both sides of the bill.

The purpose of the “Save Our Town” meeting is to present residents an opportunity to consider the facts of the matter, both pros and cons, without a political platform agenda.

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