north sewickley Presbyterian

Upcoming Trunk Or Treat Events

Some area trunk or treat events that have made their information available to include the following.  All events are free to the public. ELLWOOD CITY MOOSE Bring the kids to the Ellwood City Moose Club for a Trunk Or Treat event on Saturday, October 22nd from 2:00 – 4:00 pm!  The Moose Club is located at1400 Factory Avenue, Ellwood City. Members are encouraged to participate in giving out candy from their trunks for the kids, it would be greatly appreciated please be set up and ready for 1:30 that Saturday! NORTH SEWICKLEY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH North Sewickley Presbyterian Church will hold…

Local Church To Host A Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser

Members of North Sewickley Presbyterian Church will be serving up a spaghetti dinner as a fundraiser on Saturday September 22 beginning at 4:30 p.m. The menu is spaghetti and meatballs; garlic bread; salad with dressing; dessert, and drinks for adults and children. The cost for this meal is $8.00 for adults (13 & up), $4.00 for children (4 – 12) and children under 4 free. A Chinese Auction will be going on during the dinner, items include Christmas decorations, a child’s set of golf clubs, and knick knacks; need not be present to win. Serving will begin at 4:30 pm…

North Sewickley Presbyterian Church Trash and Treasure Sale

North Sewickley Presbyterian Church is having their trash and treasure sale July 20 and 21.  The sale will take place in the church. During the sale the Relay For Life book sale will also be happening in another room.  Here are the flyers and drop offs for items and books starts July 15th thru Thursday, July 19th, please bring items for sale to Fellowship Hall, unpack and place on tables were labeled.  Books will be down the hall to the left and place in Preschool room in labeled areas.