Ellwood City Area School Board

NOTICE: Ellwood City Board of Directors Meeting

In a public meeting notice announcement, the Ellwood City Area School Board of Directors has changed the location of upcoming meetings. The Ellwood City Area School Board of Directors has moved the location of their May 6, 2021 Committee Meeting at 7:00 p.m. and the May 13, 2021 Regular Meeting at 7:00 pm. to the Hartman Intermediate Multi-Purpose room. The Committee Meeting is scheduled for June 2, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. has been cancelled due to graduation and the Regular Meeting scheduled for June 10, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. will now be a combined meeting.  

EC School Board of Directors Announces Special Meeting

The Ellwood City Area School Board of Directors has scheduled a Special Board Meeting to take place on Monday, August 24, 2020 starting at 5:30 p.m. The meeting is scheduled for general business purposes and whatever may come before the Board. The meeting will be conducted virtually to maintain recommended social distancing precautions. You can access the link to the meeting on the school district’s website. The Ellwood City Area School District can be found at www.ellwood.k12.pa.us RELATED: ECASD Board of Directors Appoints New Solicitor RELATED: ECASD Board to Consider Virtual Broadcasts for Sports Spectators

NOTICE: Ellwood City School Board Vacancy

Effective June 9, 2020, a vacancy exists on the Board of School Directors of the Ellwood City Area School District.  The Board of School Directors intend to appoint the new director to fill the current vacancy at General Purpose Board Meeting to be conducted in July. In accordance with School Laws of Pennsylvania, the remaining members of the Board intend to fill the vacancy at a public meeting within thirty (30) days. The individual appointed will serve until the first Monday of December 2021. In addition to being a current resident of the District, Section 322 of the Public School…

Principal Gives ECASD Commencement Update; Parents Planning Parade

Discussion regarding the Ellwood City Area School District’s plan for commencement ceremonies continued during the May 14 board of directors voting meeting. Louise McKinney, mom of a 2020 graduate said the parents are expecting more for their kids. She said if the county phases to green by June 2, she wants the administration to commit to the traditional in person commencement. High School Principal, Kirk Lape, was in agreement and said he hopes that is a possibility. “If we go green before June 2, I’m all for it,” he said. “That’s a no brainer.” Although Lape said such a decision…

Superintendent Provides Update on School’s Progress During Coronavirus Pandemic

The superintendent of Ellwood City Area School District said the last few weeks have been a challenge, but that district staff have come through in a big way. During Monday night’s online meeting of the Ellwood City Area School District Board of Director’s meeting, Joseph Mancini gave a personal thank you to the administrators, teachers, and cafeteria workers for a “continuity of education” and dedication to district students. “They have all gone above and beyond in this 180-degree pivot,” he said. Mancini said at least 978 students were fed today and 1,000 on Friday, numbers he found pride in. He…

Ellwood City School Administrators Continue to Monitor, Discuss Coronavirus Situation

During the Ellwood City School District Director’s meeting Thursday evening, Superintendent Joseph Mancini said the administrators continue to monitor the Coronavirus situation but that a lot of questions remain unanswered at this point. Mancini said administrators met Thursday morning and despite discussion, plenty of questions remain regarding the logistics of continuation of services—such as health services and school lunches—are concerned should school need to close long-term. The district implemented an Act 80 day for Monday, March 16, to allow staff to prepare for any upcoming changes or mandates. They also were planning to attend a webinar this morning that was…

Ellwood City Area School Directors Pass Amended Kindergarten Admission Policy

The Ellwood City Area School Directors approved Policy 201 Admission of Students during the Thursday night voting meeting. The policy was amended for early admission to kindergarten. The amended section regarding early admission to kindergarten now states: Physical, social and emotional maturity must be adequate to function satisfactorily in the Ellwood City Area School District’s kindergarten program. Criteria for early entrance includes the following: The child must turn five years old by September 15 of the school year of enrollment. The child seeking early entrance must have completed two years of preschool experience. A written letter of request from the…

Ellwood City School Directors Approve Personnel, Spring Coaches

The Ellwood City School Board Directors voted during Thursday’s board meeting to approve personnel hires. Among the appointments were Michael Elmer who was hired as an instructional aide and David Poore and Megan Rosenberger were approved as mentors for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year and for the first semester of the 2020-2021 school year. Heidi Feltrop, secondary librarian was granted tenure. Board directors also voted to update the ACT 93 Agreement to include Paul Pishioneri and his salary increase to $72,000 for the 2020-2021 school year. Spring coaches were also appointed (Director Gary Rozanski Sr. abstained from the…

Ellwood City Area School District Board Votes to Revise Kindergarten Admission Policy

The Ellwood City Area School District Board voted to revise policy 201 during Thursday night’s meeting. A unanimous vote will put the revisions on display until the next board meeting where they will then be recommended for approval. The discussion regarding kindergarten admission has been ongoing since November by parent Megan Jones whosaid previously that she was disappointed to learn that her child who has already invested two years into preschool would not make the August 15 cutoff for kindergarten registration and that there was not an option for evaluation. The vote regarding kindergarten admission was tabled during the January…

Ellwood City Area School Board Meetings to Include Police Presence

The Ellwood City Area School District’s Board voted 8-1 during Thursday’s meeting to implement a police presence at future school director meetings. Board President Renee Pitrelli motioned for the vote stating that the way the world is today, she feels it necessary. She added that with topics such as negotiations coming up, adding a police presence is the right thing to do. Board Director Jennifer Tomon voted “No.” “I don’t think the public should be paying for it,” she said. Ellwood City School District Police Officer Matt Smock was in attendance at last night’s meeting.