
VIDEO: Bernstine Presents Next Steps in Hereford Manor Project

Yesterday, State Rep. Aaron Bernstine discussed the Hereford Manor project with representatives of the PA Fish and Boat Commission. Before Bernstine took office, the project was introduced to reopen the two lakes at Hereford Manor – previously Pennsylvania’s largest fishing property – after they were closed due to the dams questionable stability. He presented financial and public interest information to the representatives, including a petition with over three thousand signatures in favor of reopening the fishing hot-spot. The project is expected to cost upwards of 20 million dollars to complete, but with nearly $65,000 already saved up in private funds…

Hira Founder Gives Insight to Plans for Former YDC

While the state attorney general has approved the sale of the property to Hira Educational Services of North America, Asif Kunwar, the founder of the Islamic-based company, has finally shed some light on the plans for the former Youth Development Center in New Castle. Following a press release issued by Kunwar, who apologized for the delay and stated that the business has taken the past month off for Ramadan, many unanswered questions have finally been answered. The release states that the plans for the property is to host a youth intervention center for troubled youth as a detention center alternative….

PHOTO: Mayor Presents Fourth Beautification Award

On Thursday, 6-29-17 Mayor Court presented the 4th 2017 Beautification Award yard sign and Gift Certificate to Ginny Brest of Fountain Avenue. Almost every year since the program began, someone from her neighborhood has nominated Ginny for this award. Her landscape is always pristine perfect and it’s always an honor to present the award to people who truly care about how their hard work has paid off.

Gov. Wolf, Boston Terrier Sign Bill for Stricter Animal Cruelty Laws

HARRISBURG – Yesterday Gov. Tom Wolf and a Boston Terrier named Libre, signed the Libre’s Law Bill – strengthening Pennsylvania’s laws and punishments against animal abuse and neglect. Next to Wolf’s signature lies a tiny paw print belonging to a once neglected Boston Terrier, Libre, named by his rescuer meaning “freedom” in Spanish. In July 2016, Libre was found as a three-month-old puppy clinging to life in the summer heat, dehydrated, emaciated and suffering from severe mange with maggots eating his rotting flesh, he was disposed of and neglected by an Amish puppy mill farmer in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. His rescuer,…

Electric Billings Comparison for April 2017-July 2017 and Corresponding Previous Year

The attached information is being provided by the Borough in order to inform Ellwood City Electric customers of the effect the reduction in the Transmission and Capacity charges set by PlM has had upon the Rate Adjustment (pP A Factor) and customer billings during the months of April 2017 through the upcoming billing in July 2017. Comparisons ofPPA components (Energy Purchased, American Municipal Power-Power Charges, as well as Transmission and Capacity Charges) were used. The Rate Adjustment is added to the electric bill of each user, Residential, Commercial and Industrial. The April 2017 Rate Adjustment was 2.86 cents per kWh…

House Passes Bernstine Bill to Protect Mental Health Patients from Abuse

HARRISBURG – The House of Representatives today unanimously approved legislation, authored by Rep. Aaron Bernstine (R-Beaver/Butler/Lawrence), which would ensure Pennsylvanians receiving mental health care have legal protection from those seeking to do them harm. “Mental health issues can impact anyone, at any time, and without this safeguard on our books, we would be failing to protect a lot of our citizens from potential abuse and neglect. That’s unacceptable.” House Bill 835 would update the Mental Health Procedures Act to state that persons in treatment for mental health issues have a right to be free from abuse, neglect and exploitation. Currently,…

VIDEO: Live Stream from Hira Educational Meeting

The controversial sale of the former Youth Development Center in New Castle has led local government officials and many community members to publicly express their concerns. Shenango Township residents Shirley Sallmen and Barbara Thompson called for a public meeting regarding the sale. The meeting was hosted Friday evening by Jubilee Ministries International at the Kingdom Broadcasting Ministries with nearly 250 locals in attendance. Several elected officials were present at the meeting, including State Rep. Aaron Bernstine, who publicly presented the known and unknown facts regarding the company. “I want to be clear that this region is accepting of people from…

Senator Vogel Continues Push for Telemedicine Initiatives in Pennsylvania

Technology can help overcome the barriers to quality patient care created by distance and reduce the costs of those services, according to Senator Elder Vogel (R-Beaver), the author of legislation aimed at promoting telemedicine in Pennsylvania. Senate Bill 780 specifically defines telemedicine as “the delivery of health care services provided through telecommunications technology to a patient by a healthcare practitioner who is at a different location.” It also establishes guidelines regarding who can provide telemedicine services, and provides clarity regarding insurance company reimbursement for those services. “Telemedicine is transforming healthcare and it is something our state should embrace and encourage,” Senator…

Public Community Event Tonight Regarding HIRA

The Christian Chamber Commerce of Western Pennsylvania will be holding an open forum tonight to discuss the purchase of the old Youth Development Center in New Castle. The purchase of the former Youth Development Center has many community members, including government officials State Representative Bernstine, State Representative Sainato and Senator Vogel, concerned about the potential owners. Hira Educational Services is a Muslim-based company who claims to aid in Muslim schooling but after reviewing the companies tax records and finance history, local government officials question the companies financial reliability and have asked Governor Tom Wolf to reconsider the sale. The event…

New Castle Approved for Medical Marijuana Growing Facility

Since Pennsylvania approved legislation permitting the sale of medical marijuana, a former factory located in New Castle has been chosen as one of the first 12 medical marijuana grower/processors in Pennsylvania. The 30,000 square-foot former factory located at 911 Industrial Street in New Castle is expected to be operational within six months, and is anticipated to relieve some of the financial distress in the local community and create 100-150 “good-paying” jobs once the operation reaches full potential, the New Castle News site reports. Keith Morgan and Richard Genderson of Holistic Farms located in Haverford, Pennsylvania, are the visionaries behind the…