
Reminder: Lawrence County Earth Day Celebration

Ellwood City Community Enrichment and the Lawrence County Earth Day Committee invites you to attend Lawrence County Earth Day in Ewing Park, Ellwood City on April 22nd from 10am – 2pm and learn about environmental issues, buy “green” products from vendors, and eat a free hotdog! Admission is free. Wild World of Animals and the horse & trolley rides will be returning, as well as many musical acts. NEW THIS YEAR is the Trashion Show where contestants are judged on their garment made from reused materials and trash! For more information or to enter the Trashion Show call 724-758-5501 or email…

Got Drugs?

The Ellwood City Police Department is sponsoring the Got Drugs event for safe disposal of unused or expired medication on April 29. Official flyer below.

Ellwood City Area Public Library Activities for Week of April 10th, 2017

Activities scheduled at the Ellwood City Area Public Library include the following: Monday, April 10th, through Saturday, April 15th – A week-long “Count the Jelly Beans Game” will be held for toddlers, preschoolers and early elementary-aged children all this week. The game will take place during library hours, so stop by anytime to play. Those participating will be asked to count the jelly beans hidden in the Children’s Department to win a special prize. Call the library at 724-758-6458 for more information. Monday, April 10, at 6:30 p.m. – Classics Book Discussion Group for Adults. The group will discuss the…

Relay For Life Event Leadership Meeting

Thursday, April 20, 2017 6:00 – 7:00 P.M.  It is time again to start planning for the 2017 Ellwood City Relay For Life event.  Members have been busy working on new ideas for more community involvement, come out and give us your ideas!  We meet at National Grind, 408 Lawrence Avenue, downtown at 6 pm, don’t shy away because of the meeting length or because you don’t  want to be committed to long term involvement in Relay.  Give us what time you have and be included in how this event comes together every year.  It can only become bigger and…

Tickets for the Tamburitzans Still Available

One of the most extravagant shows, the Tamburitzans – starring a Lincoln High graduate, is coming to Ellwood City this Sunday and tickets are still available! The concert is at Lincoln Junior Senior High School at 3p.m. Discounted reserved seat tickets at $25 may be obtained on website or by calling the box office at 412-974-6465 for ticket will-call arrangements. Tickets at the door are $30. Mayor Court announced April 9 as Tamburitzans Day in Ellwood, full story here.

Bernstine Sets Four Town Hall Meetings

ELLWOOD CITY – In order to hear what’s on the minds of his constituents, state Rep. Aaron Bernstine (R-New Beaver) has scheduled a series of town hall meetings around the 10th Legislative District. The meeting locations and dates are: Slippery Rock Township (Butler County) Town Hall – Monday, April 10, at 6 p.m. at the Slippery Rock Township Municipal Building, located at 155 Branchton Road, Slippery Rock. Franklin Township (Beaver County) Town Hall – Tuesday, April 11, at 6 p.m. at the Franklin Township Office, located at 897 State Route 288, Fombell. Beaver Falls (Beaver County) Town Hall – Wednesday,…

Ellwood City Easter Egg Hunt

Ellwood Area Egg hunt Committee will be holding their 22nd community Easter Egg hunt this coming Saturday April 8th.Rain or shine.In Ewing Park for children ages 9 & under starting at 11:00 a.m. The 4 and under hunts will start at 11 and run through the days events. They will take place in the new toddlers playground. Only 4 and under can get their treats in this area. The 5 -9 year old hunts Start at 1:30 and run in the following order. 1st hunt 5-6 girls 2nd hunt 5-6 boys 3rd hunt 7-8-9 girls 4th hunt 7-8-9 hunts Treats…

Social Media Marketing Event

The Ellwood City Chamber of Commerce will be hosting their Social Media Marketing event tomorrow, Tuesday April 4, at Dayspring Gifts. Rebecca Dambach will be guest speaking at the event. Official flyer below.

Ellwood City Area Public Library Activities for Week of April 3, 2017

Activities taking place at the Ellwood City Area Public Library include the following: Tuesday, April 4, at 10:00 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. — Family Laptime, an interactive program for babies as young as 6 months of age to toddlers and preschoolers. Featured are stories, songs, finger plays, games and more. Registration is requested, so call the library at 724-758-6458 for more information. Wednesday, April 5, at 10:00 a.m. — “Coloring for Adults,” a weekly program that is free and open to the public. “Coloring for Adults” is a new concept in helping to reduce the stresses of everyday life. Everyone…

Last “Second Saturday” Soup Supper of the Season

The last “Second Saturday” – Soup Supper for the season (April 8th,  4 – 6:30p.m.) will be hosted by the Wurtemburg United Methodist Church, 1244 Portersville Road  (Rt 488 by 3rd bridge) Ellwood City, PA  16117. The soups will include broccoli cheese soup and beef veggie, Italian bread, homemade rolls, dessert, beverages and refills will also be included. Eat-in and take-out are both $6; under age 5 is free. Grilled cheese sandwiches are just $1.00 and quarts of soup are $6.00 The church will resume the suppers again in October.