
Ellwood City Area School District Board Votes to Revise Kindergarten Admission Policy

The Ellwood City Area School District Board voted to revise policy 201 during Thursday night’s meeting. A unanimous vote will put the revisions on display until the next board meeting where they will then be recommended for approval. The discussion regarding kindergarten admission has been ongoing since November by parent Megan Jones whosaid previously that she was disappointed to learn that her child who has already invested two years into preschool would not make the August 15 cutoff for kindergarten registration and that there was not an option for evaluation. The vote regarding kindergarten admission was tabled during the January…

Ellwood City Area School Board Meetings to Include Police Presence

The Ellwood City Area School District’s Board voted 8-1 during Thursday’s meeting to implement a police presence at future school director meetings. Board President Renee Pitrelli motioned for the vote stating that the way the world is today, she feels it necessary. She added that with topics such as negotiations coming up, adding a police presence is the right thing to do. Board Director Jennifer Tomon voted “No.” “I don’t think the public should be paying for it,” she said. Ellwood City School District Police Officer Matt Smock was in attendance at last night’s meeting.

Ellwood City School Board Continues Consideration of Kindergarten Admission

The Ellwood City Area School District Board is set to consider a change to Policy 201 during its Thursday voting meeting. The vote regarding kindergarten admission was tabled during the January 21st meeting because the board wanted further input and consideration from the administration as to whether a viable process to evaluate students for early entry could be developed and implemented. After initial review, the administration, during the board’s January 13 committee meeting, recommended that the policy should remain as is, but not all board members agree with that assessment. During the January 21 meeting, Board President Renee Pitrelli and…

Riverside SD Announces New Student Online Enrollment; Students of the Month

Riverside will be implementing Skyward New Student Online Enrollment on February 10, 2020. The Riverside School District is creating a new way to enroll students new to our district, including NEW KINDERGARTEN ENROLLMENTS FOR 20-21.  The process is automated and eliminates the need for printing endless forms.  The process walks new parents/guardians through a series of questions and will help improve the efficiency of the enrollment process.  We will be working diligently this week to create and test our new system.  Access will be available February 10, 2020.  No phone calls for kindergarten enrollment will be received until Monday, Feb…

Ellwood City School District Board Collides Over Ethics

Ellwood City School Board Directors passed a Board Resolution: “Principles for Governance and Leadership” during their recent meeting but not without a discussion regarding ethics. Part of those principles, set by the Pennsylvania School Boards Association (PSBA), encourage board directors to “Act Ethically.” Director Jennifer Tomon challenged whether fellow board members appointed to the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Negotiation Committee have a conflict of interest when it comes to their duties. The PSBA Resolution, in its section regarding ethics, states that board members should “act to avoid actual or perceived conflicts of interest.” According to Tomon, the three directors…