
ELLWOOD Hosts 19th Annual High School Engineering Day At EC Forge

ELLWOOD, in partnership with Lawrence County School-to-Work, hosted their 19th annual High School Engineering Day on Thursday, March 6, at ELLWOOD’s New Castle campus. Over 30 students from area high schools visited the ELLWOOD location to learn about engineering careers, tour the New Castle campus, and more. The event is designed to be both fun and educational as the students had the opportunity to witness the state-of-the-art processes as well as material testing and machining at ELLWOOD Quality Steels, ELLWOOD City Forge New Castle and North American Forgemasters. The students were selected by their respective schools to attend the event…

NOTICE: Ellwood City Area School District March Meeting Rescheduled

In a notice made available by the district, the Ellwood City Area School District has rescheduled its regularly scheduled March meeting.  The meeting will now take place on Monday, March 10th. The full notice reads as follows: Notice is hereby given that the March 13, 2025 regular meeting of the Ellwood City Area School District Board of School Directors is cancelled and rescheduled and combined with the March 10, 2025 “Committee of the Whole” meeting at 7:00 p.m. in the Board Room at Lincoln High School, 501 Crescent Avenue, Ellwood City, PA 16117. The purpose of the meeting is to…

NOTICE: ECASD Finance Committee Meeting

In a notice made available by the district, the Ellwood City Area School District will be holding a finance committee meeting in two weeks. The notice reads as follows: The Ellwood City Area School Board of Directors has scheduled a Finance Committee Meeting on March 13, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. The meeting will be conducted in the Board Room located in the Lincoln Jr./Sr. High School. – Board Secretary, Dr. Amy Anderson

Registration For 2025-26 Kindergarten at North Side Primary Now Available

North Side Primary School, in the Ellwood City Area School District, is now pre registering for the 2025-26 Kindergarten school year. Registration is scheduled for April, but parents need to pre-register their child(ren) first.. Please call the school if you have any questions at 724-752-1591, Ext. 4000. VIEW 2025-26 REGISTRATION FORM North Side Primary School is a K-2 building in the Ellwood City Area School District. Learning at North Side emphasizes the building blocks for reading and mathematics while promoting collaboration, creativity, and fun. As “The Cornerstone Connection” of the district, staff prioritizes connecting with our students and families to…

Riverside 2025-26 Pre-K Counts and Kindergarten Registration Now Open

Riverside Beaver County School District Pre-K and Kindergarten registration is now open. Children who will be 5 years old before September 1, 2025 and are residents of the Riverside Beaver County School District are eligible to begin the enrollment process for kindergarten. Before you begin the process, be sure to read over the checklist to ensure you have all your required documents. Please note, online enrollment works best when done on a desktop or laptop computer. You may encounter technical issues using a cellphone to enroll. Within a few days of completing the enrollment, you will receive an email with…

ECASD Board of Directors Authorizes Appeal for Proposed Softball Field

The Ellwood City Area School District’s Board of Directors voted to appeal the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Adjudication of the Zoning Hearing Board of the Borough of Ellwood City relating to the proposed softball field during Monday’s regular meeting. All board members in attendance voted yes to support the appeal, and director Norman Boots was absent from the meeting. Director Kevin Boariu said he supports the appeal because he does not want the property to sit vacant and that he does not believe that the District should be in the business of owning unused property. Chris Voltz,…

BC3 Announces Graduates, President’s List & Dean’s List For Fall 2024

Butler County Community College is proud to announce the names of students who have made the President’s List and Dean’s List for the fall 2024 semester, as well as the names of those who have graduated recently. Students who have achieved a cumulative GPA (grade-point average) of 3.75 or higher are named to the President’s List following completion of at least 12 semester hours or upon completion of degree requirements. Students who have achieved a cumulative GPA (grade-point average) of 3.5 to 3.74 are named to the Dean’s List following completion of at least 12 semester hours or upon completion…

NOTICE: ECASD Board of School Directors Rescheduled To February 10th

Notice is hereby given that, due to weather concerns, the February 13, 2025 regular meeting of the Ellwood City Area School District Board of School Directors is cancelled and rescheduled and combined with the February 10, 2025 “Committee of the Whole” meeting at 7:00 p.m. in the Board Room at Lincoln High School, 501 Crescent Avenue, Ellwood City, PA 16117. The purpose of the meeting is to consider and take action on the Agenda items published: On the District’s website ( At the Board Room At the District’s administrative offices and to consider and take action on any other lawful…

Lincoln High School Honor & High Honor Rolls For Quarter Two

The Ellwood City Area School District has announced its Honor Roll and High Honor Roll for quarter two at Lincoln High School. The district would like to recognize the hard work and dedication of the students. View more news and information at HIGH HONOR ROLLS: 7th Grade Mason Bable Brycen Becker Greyson Boariu Rebecca Colao Jeremih Curry Caleb DeSanzo Ali Dixon-McIntyre Sophia Duran Anna Elder Bryce Fascetti Mackenna Funkhouser Zoey Garnett Joseph Genova Nolan Grimm Rylee Haine Grayson Hartman Adaleigh Hempfling Carson Holsinger Karam Jaffry Dylan Johns Clark Kent Annabelle Martin Aubree McDanel Austin Michaels Nina Mills Kinsley Minerd…

Lincoln Jr/Sr. High School Identified For Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI)

According to information made available the by the district, Lincoln Jr/Sr. High School was identified for Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI) due to challenges in proficiency and growth on standardized assessments, Career and College Readiness, and Attendance. “Over the past year, our entire school community has worked with focus and dedication to improve in these areas, and we are proud to announce that we have met the challenge,” says Director of Educational Programs, Dr. Amy Anderson. Thanks to the hard work of LHS students, teachers, staff, and families, the school has not been re-designated for TSI for this coming school…