The Riverside Hall of Fame: Royann Winfield, Selfless Coach, Mentor to the End

NOTE: This is the third in a three-part series featuring The Riverside Hall of Fame’s first class, all coaches. The inductees will be honored at the First Annual Hall of Fame banquet at Shakespeare’s Restaurant this Saturday, May 4th, from 6 to 10 p.m. Attendees will celebrate the esteemed inaugural class of: Dan Oliastro, Karl Florie, and Royann Winfield.

Royann Winfield was a fighter to the end.

Whether it was standing in strong support of her students, or her residents at McGuire Memorial, or battling cancer, Royann simply refused to give up on herself or others.

Her final season in 2022 ended with her team winning the Beaver County Championships, but that was just one season in 42 years of coaching girls track where Royann led the girls to victory. She also won a WPIAL Team Championship, had 9 undefeated Section Titles, and helped produce multiple State Champions in individual events. She never had a losing season.

Lori Shay, Royann’s best friend, said that winning streak probably would have continued, but Royann simply could not coach any longer than that last successful season.

“She never wanted to be defined by her illness and probably coached a year or two beyond when she physically should have, but she just kept going on.”

Shay reflected on her friend with loving memories and adoration. Shay was Royann’s assistant coach for a few years for both basketball and track.

“If a kid wanted to practice on Saturday or Sunday she made time for them. If an athlete couldn’t afford shoes, she’d buy them a pair. She would help anybody at any time.”

This sentiment was proven on the Riverside Sports Hall of Fame Facebook Page, where one viewer commented about Royann: “She walked into my shop for the first time when I was still located on fifth Street in the early 90s and gave me her first order. She always made sure her girls had what they needed, and many times paid for things herself. I was privileged to be her friend.”

Shay said Royann was a truly selfless person.

“She loved coaching and mentoring kids. The same with her job. She just loved doing for others.”

The Riverside Community lost a vital mentor on January 9, 2023 when Royann passed away at her Ellport residence following a 3 1/2 year courageous battle with cancer. Royann faced her battle with cancer with bravery and grace.

She loved coaching at Riverside and mentoring student athletes to reach their potential not only in athletics but in life. Royann enjoyed golfing, trips to the beach, traveling, and pontoon boat rides at Moraine. She was an avid Penguin fan.

Royann graduated from Riverside in 1978 and Slippery Rock University in 1983. She worked at McGuire Memorial Home for 20 years until her passing. She also was a substitute teacher.

Shay said following graduation at SRU, coaching became the highlight of Royann’s life.

“Coaching was a high point for her. She’s always had very good teams and having a state champion–Nicole Pitchford was the first that she had—was a moment of pride for her, but when it came down to it, it was never about Royann it was all about the kids and how hard they worked.”

Shay said she is happy to see Royann be recognized for all that she did for the Riverside Girls Track Team.

“I think she would be very humbled by this honor. She was a very humbled person.”

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