Bernstine Updates Community on Progress

Ellwood’s newly elected State Representative, Aaron Bernstine, has undoubtedly been working hard towards his promised improvements in the community.

Despite his short time being elected, Bernstine is already known for his social media presence, posting updates often about his progress addressing issues affecting our community.

A few weeks ago he posted a lengthy update to the Facebook group, Standing Up to Ellwood Electric, which can be viewed in full via our previous article.

The main idea of his posted update was to inform residents that he has a game plan set up for his first attempt to tackle the Ellwood Electric problem.

“I want to address the problem specifically by hosting a legislative committee meeting here in Ellwood because I think it’s important for the House of Representatives to see first hand what is transpiring in this community and why it absolutely needs to be fixed,” Bernstine said.

He further elaborated on this subject during a live video post while he was visiting Harrisburg last Wednesday, also addressing issues surrounding Hereford Manor.

The live video is posted on his campaign page.

In addition to organizing a meeting for PA legislative officials to visit Ellwood, he took to another local media source, WPXI, last Thursday, so he and several Ellwood residents could publicly express their Ellwood Electric concerns to a bigger audience.

The news segment aired Thursday evening at 5:45 and the recap article is visible here.

Bernstine said the main goal of all the effort by the whole community, not just him, is to put “massive amounts of pressure on people in Harrisburg and local officials to move the projects forward.”

3 Comments on "Bernstine Updates Community on Progress"

  1. The economic systems and environment are imploding.
    Energy return on energy invested is the key.
    EC electric and Bernstine are amusing spectacles to any awake person.
    Enjoy the show.
    But…plan accordingly.

  2. Many other towns have the same Electric plan in place! The majority of Ellwood residents in fact pay their bills on time and do not let them pile up month after month leaving them not able to pay. The real part of the problem are those who contribute nothing to our town, they don’t work and continue to have kids and collect from all of us that do work and are capable of being contributor to our system. If Ellwood ever does do away with the electric department which will not happen, I would love to see the problem children of Ellwood deal with Penn Power or another company when they decide that buying new shoes or going out to the bar takes precedence over paying their bills.

    Quite frankly I am tired of supporting the scum of this town! Yes I said scum, those of you that are a complete drain on society and only put effort into supporting your drug and booze habits! Your kids go to school dressed in rags but the mother is all dolled up in her fake designer jeans and Thug boots! The father if around has spent the last years salary on tattoos of his favorite sports team or that awful tribal tattoo running down their arms. By the way I have nothing against tattoos, if you can afford them and pay your bills while functioning in society.

  3. Thank you EC Jesus for your contribution to the show.
    Very amusing!

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