Breaking News: Protestors Outside of the Municipal Building

Angie and Bryan with their signs

Several Ellwood residents can be spotted outside the municipal building holding signs and protesting against Ellwood Electric.

One of the protestors, Angie Breckenridge, who has been there since 9 in the morning and brought two of her daughters with her, said she is absolutely appalled by the recent electric prices and she regrets buying a home in Ellwood.

“My family and I (her, her husband and their four children) moved to Ellwood in May and we completely regret that decision. When we bought the house we budgeted our financial abilities so I could continue to be a stay at home mom while my husband worked, but now with the increased electric prices I will be going back to work just to afford the electric bill- which is just as much as my mortgage.”

She also mentioned that with her going back to work, extra stress will be put on her family.

Breckenridge and her husband will be working opposite shifts in order to take care of the children, meaning they’ll hardly ever get to spend time together.

Another protestor, one who has lived in the same house in Ellwood for almost 10 years, Bryan Linville, said he’s never had a problem paying his electric bills until recently.

“I’ve been here for about 10 years and my electric bills have always been at most around $80, however recently, the average has been between $200-$400 and I haven’t done anything differently.”

Linville has noticed his sewage bill steadily increasing as well, for him it’s now averaging around $60 a month.

Other protestors questioned why the Borough doesn’t host fund raisers, like other communities, to help raise money instead of increasing taxes and the electric prices.

The protest is scheduled to run until 6p.m. tonight.

Photos by Cassandra Douglas/

1 Comment on "Breaking News: Protestors Outside of the Municipal Building"

  1. WOW! The sheeple of this country are amazing in their slumber!
    If you think EC electric is something to complain about wait until:
    +++The current $19.5 Trillion in debt
    +++Bankrupt pensions and social security
    +++70% consumer driven thus dying economy instead of manufacturing thus thriving economy (used to be 70% manufacturing)
    +++Collapse of the fiat monetary system
    +++”Blue Ocean” event after Arctic melt (What do you think the “X’s” in the sky are?
    HIT YOU IN THE FACE……EC Electric bills will be: The good ole days!

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