Community Members Petitioning and Protesting Against Ellwood Electric

The council meeting on Monday seemed to rekindle many bitter feelings about the ongoing Ellwood Electric situation.

Several of the visitors that attended the meeting were there specifically in regards to see what changes to the electric issues have been made since the last couple of council meetings.

Dave Gulish, the creator of Standing up to Ellwood Electric and owner of his own private investigation company located in Ellwood, spoke the minds of many Ellwood residents when he stood in front of council Monday night and asked what solutions have been reached or are being actively pursued to help those in the community struggling with their increased electric bill rates.

Many of the visitors left the meeting unhappy with the progress the Borough has made on the subject. (read Dave’s full discussion with council here)

Gulish and another meeting attendee, Lisa Guerrera, took to Facebook to voice their opinions and ideas of initiating change.

Gulish posted a petition trying to reach a goal of 1,500 signatures stating “We the People of Ellwood City demand a change in the handling of OUR money and OUR resources.” The petition can be viewed and signed here.

Guerrera posted in the Facebook group, Standing up to Ellwood Electric, inquiring about the ability to organize a protest with other like-minded community members, her post reads “… I say ENOUGH. I’m willing to skip an activity, or club meeting, or dinner with my family to stand up and say NO MORE. I will be posting a date by the end of the week for a protest, in front of the Municipal Building, with a sign that I made, to show them that I will not continue to quietly give in, to continue this ridiculous drain on my family’s finances, and on my elderly neighbor’s finances, and on the families of this town’s finances. Please, join me. Please let them know this situation must be rectified.”

As of this point, a protest date has not yet been scheduled.

6 Comments on "Community Members Petitioning and Protesting Against Ellwood Electric"

  1. Ralph Chiappetta | September 23, 2016 at 12:54 pm | Reply

    On the electric, I think it would be good for both parties to publish a comparison of electric bills.
    Get 4 months (May,June, July, August of this year) of a customers bills from Ellwood Electric, Penn Power (First Energy) and another main power supplier. Lets see how they compare with cost of getting power to the customer. That would be all charges that apply. Usage, distribution etc.
    Lets make informed choices.

    • This electric thing is much to do about nothing.
      In order to make a fair comparison taxes would
      have to factored. Then individual considerations
      like housing costs, commuter costs, child care etc.
      And then what’s the point? Ultimately where one
      lives is based on too many factors; some of which
      cannot be calculated.

      The customer service problem seems to have been addressed.
      And, of course we should watch the spending of all government
      entities. Now on to something worth “standing up to” this
      water issue you and have brought to light!

  2. Its time to put a stop to them raising g the electric.They live off of 3,000 or more a.month pension so its candy to them.There is nothing in this town why not change it to dealership city.They ruined this town.This electric increase is gotta be hitting these businesses pretty hard too.Why not just plow all the blocks down and have nothing.This was once a helluva town thatwas turn to heck.And giving g Judy Dici money to take a trip.Make her use her own money or don’t go.What’s it have to do with our town and electric.HELP THE LOWER END PEOPLE.THE BOROUGH ARE NOTHING BUT THIEF’S USING THE MONEY TO PAY FOR MORE POLICE OFFICERS THEN WE NEED.GET RID OF THE MANAGER AND GET SOMEONE WHO CARES AND WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE.


  4. I’ve lived in several other towns, the utilities in Ellwood are higher than anywhere else I’ve lived. My water bill in Ellwood for one month is higher than 3 months in New Brighton.. This town is ridiculous and I’m regretting buying a home here. Not to mention the school tax has gone up 3 years consecutively and “the school has no money” even though they pay for the school board to go to Vegas.. What a Joke!

  5. For what it’s worth: One summer a few years ago I was working out of town 10 hours a day. Every weekday before leaving the house I shut off all the electric to my home( at the main power box) and turned it back on when I returned home each evening. I did this for an entire month, the only time the power was on non-stop was on the weekends. Do you think the bill was lower?…NOT! it was $4.00 higher! Wake up people, there is a rat in the wood pile!

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