wurtemburg-perry vfd

Wurtemburg-Perry VFD Instituting Warming Center Ahead Of Colder Temperatures

Due to the dangerously low temperatures expected in the forecast next week, Wurtemburg-Perry VFD will be instituting the partial activation of a warming center at its 425 Portersville Road location. A partial activation means that while the warming center will not be continuously staffed, if any area residents need to utilize this resource, there will be a phone number posted on the door to call, and members of the department will respond and open the facility for use. If you need a place to safely get out of the cold and charge up your cell phone/devices, the VFD will be…

Gun Show To Take Place In February

The Castlewood Rod and Gun Club is sponsoring a Gun Show this year on February 26th and 27th. The two day even will take place at the Wurtemburg Perry Fire Hall in Ellwood City. The public is invited to this event where you will be able to buy, sell and trade firearms and accessories for trade, sale and exhibit. There will be plenty of free parking, good food, door prizes both days, and there will be 24 hour security. There will be about 90, eight foot tables available and cost $25.00 each and will need claimed by 10:00 a.m. Dealers…

Wurtemburg-Perry VFD Holding 1st Annual Night at the Casino

The Wurtemburg-Perry Volunteer Fire Department will be holding its first annual Night at the Casino in February. Their first annual trip will take party-goers to the Rivers Casino on Saturday, February 15 beginning at 5:00 p.m. The bus will leave from the fire department parking lot at 4:00 p.m. and the bus will leave from the casino no later than 10:15 p.m.  Approximate time of return to the fire department parking lot is 11:15 p.m. According to a social media post, there are still a few tickets available. Ticket pricing announced at $40.00 per ticket. Ticket includes bus trip to…