north side primary

Registration For 2025-26 Kindergarten at North Side Primary Now Available

North Side Primary School, in the Ellwood City Area School District, is now pre registering for the 2025-26 Kindergarten school year. Registration is scheduled for April, but parents need to pre-register their child(ren) first.. Please call the school if you have any questions at 724-752-1591, Ext. 4000. VIEW 2025-26 REGISTRATION FORM North Side Primary School is a K-2 building in the Ellwood City Area School District. Learning at North Side emphasizes the building blocks for reading and mathematics while promoting collaboration, creativity, and fun. As “The Cornerstone Connection” of the district, staff prioritizes connecting with our students and families to…

PHOTOS: North Side Primary 2nd Grade Entrepreneurs Day

The North Side Primary school hosted a Lemonade Stand that was run by 2nd Grade Entrepreneurs last week. As part of the educational day, five different stations helped all students learned how to work for themselves. Students were able to practice and demonstrate soft skills such as communicating, collaborating, co-operation, being adaptable, time management and other interpersonal skills according to Debbie Weich, North Side Primary School counselor. Each of the six 2nd grade classrooms had a designated time to invite their friends and family to visit the stand. Cash donations were accepted The event took place May 29th, 30th, and…

PHOTOS: North Side Primary Holds Parent Career Day

North Side Primary held its 6th annual Parent Career Day on Thursday, May 16th. The experience allowed for parents to visit North Side Primary, have lunch with their child and have very different involvement with hundreds of kids.  The day was a huge success for North Side community. “I am very proud of the planning, preparation, coordination, and hard work that Ms. Wiech, our K-2 School Counselor, puts into carry-out this engaging instructional event for our K-2 students each year,” said North Side principal Mr. Parsons. “As the “Cornerstone Connection” of the Ellwood City Area School District, this event is…

North Side Primary School Recognizes Second 9-Week Perfect Attendance

North Side Primary School continues to partner with Vinny’s Restaurant and Pizzeria to encourage and reward perfect attendance at school. Any student who did not miss a day in a nine week period earns the chance to win a quarterly attendance incentive that includes a $50 gift card to Vinny’s Restaurant. North Side Primary School prides itself on establishing the connection between students, families, community, and our school district. “On the K-2 level, we recognize that it takes the ENTIRE FAMILY to help our little Wolverines get to school each day,” says school counselor Debbie Wiech in a statement. “We…

Pre-Registration For 2024-25 Kindergarten At ECASD Now Available

Pre-registration for Kindergarten in the Ellwood City Area School District for the 2024-25 school year is now available. Registration is scheduled for March, but parents need to pre-register their child(ren) first. If you are planning to enroll your child in kindergarten next fall, please complete the form below and return it to your child’s school as soon as possible.  The purpose of the form is to collect information on students who will be attending kindergarten next fall for the first time. If you do not have a child you expect to enroll in kindergarten next fall, ignore this notice or…

All Aboard! Students Treated To A Special Christmas Program Aboard “Ellsworth”

In a unique, cooperative effort among the Ellwood City Area Historical Society, All Aboard Ellwood Inc., and the Ellwood City Library, kindergarten students from North Side Elementary School and second graders from Riverside Elementary School were treated to a special Christmas program aboard “Ellsworth,” the Ellwood City Area Historical Society’s replica trolley. Mrs. Rachel Biermeyer, an associate Librarian at the Ellwood City Library, read a Christmas story and sang songs with the children during their individual class’s 30 minute session aboard Ellsworth. The Historical Society’s trolley, sponsored by All Aboard Ellwood Inc., was parked at the respective schools on Tuesday…

North Side Students Give Back to Ellwood City Community

North Side Primary Students and Staff welcomed many Community Members and Partners to our school on Monday, December 18th. During the month of December, students are learning how good it makes all of us feel to GIVE. The students put this into practice when each classroom made a very special, giant sized Holiday Card thanking the local community agency and partner for the services they provide Ellwood City. North Side students made a total of 22 Holiday Cards, with many of our community partners attending the winter festivities. North Side students participated by sharing a ‘GIVING’ poem and singing a…

North Side Primary School Recognizes First 9-Week Perfect Attendance

North Side Primary School is excited to partner with Vinny’s Restaurant and Pizzeria to encourage and reward perfect attendance at school! Any student who does not miss a day in a nine week period earns the chance to win a quarterly attendance incentive that includes a $50.00 gift card to Vinny’s. North Side Primary School prides itself on establishing the connection between students, families, community, and our school district. “On the K-2 level, we recognize that it takes the ENTIRE FAMILY to help our little Wolverines get to school each day,” says school counselor Debbie Wiech in a statement. “We…

Pre-Registration For 2023-24 Kindergarten At ECASD Now Available

Pre-registration for Kindergarten in the Ellwood City Area School District for the 2023-24 school year is now available. All prospective parents of ECASD kindergarten students are asked to complete the following 2023-24 form if planning to enroll a child in kindergarten next fall. The purpose of this form is collect information on students who will be attending kindergarten next fall for the first time. If you do not have a child you expect to enroll in kindergarten next fall, please omit this notice or give it to a neighbor or friend who has an eligible child. All Kindergarten students will…

PHOTOS: Parent Career Day At North Side Primary

Dozens of different careers were on display at North Side Primary last week as part of Parent Career Day on May 5th. School to work director, principal and 28 different careers were on display for 5, 6, 7 and 8-year-olds. Baby cows, goats, military, tow truck, engineers, EC Forge, EC Fire, Chippewa PD, Vinny’s, a welder….to name a few! North Side Primary School is a K-2 building in the Ellwood City Area School District. Mr. Dan Parson is Elementary Principal/Federal Programs Coordinator.