
Registration For 2025-26 Kindergarten at North Side Primary Now Available

North Side Primary School, in the Ellwood City Area School District, is now pre registering for the 2025-26 Kindergarten school year. Registration is scheduled for April, but parents need to pre-register their child(ren) first.. Please call the school if you have any questions at 724-752-1591, Ext. 4000. VIEW 2025-26 REGISTRATION FORM North Side Primary School is a K-2 building in the Ellwood City Area School District. Learning at North Side emphasizes the building blocks for reading and mathematics while promoting collaboration, creativity, and fun. As “The Cornerstone Connection” of the district, staff prioritizes connecting with our students and families to…

Riverside 2025-26 Pre-K Counts and Kindergarten Registration Now Open

Riverside Beaver County School District Pre-K and Kindergarten registration is now open. Children who will be 5 years old before September 1, 2025 and are residents of the Riverside Beaver County School District are eligible to begin the enrollment process for kindergarten. Before you begin the process, be sure to read over the checklist to ensure you have all your required documents. Please note, online enrollment works best when done on a desktop or laptop computer. You may encounter technical issues using a cellphone to enroll. Within a few days of completing the enrollment, you will receive an email with…

Riverside School District Kindergarten Orientation and ‘Meet The Teacher’ Planned For August 26th and 27th

Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! On August 16th, Riverside parents will receive an automated call and email with kindergarten teacher assignment. Teacher announcements will also go live on Skyward on August 16th for Riverside Elementary 1st and 2nd Grades. Kindergarten Orientation will take place Monday, August, 26th. This event acclimates you and your child to our district;parents will be given valuable information, and your child will get to tour a bus, eat in the cafeteria, and play on the playground. Kindergarten sessions are dependent upon the child’s last name as shown below; you must attend the session corresponding with…

Riverside School District 2024-25 Kindergarten Registration Now Available

Attention is called to parents of preschool students who live within the Riverside Beaver County School District. Kindergarten Enrollment for the 2024-2025 School Year is now available and open as of February 1, 2024. Children who will be 5 years old before September 1, 2024 and are residents of the Riverside Beaver County School District are eligible to begin the enrollment process for kindergarten! Please visit the district webpage for information on how to enroll online and secure a slot for the in-person kindergarten screening day on May 10, 2024. Parents/guardians who DO NOT already have a student enrolled in…

Pre-Registration For 2024-25 Kindergarten At ECASD Now Available

Pre-registration for Kindergarten in the Ellwood City Area School District for the 2024-25 school year is now available. Registration is scheduled for March, but parents need to pre-register their child(ren) first. If you are planning to enroll your child in kindergarten next fall, please complete the form below and return it to your child’s school as soon as possible.  The purpose of the form is to collect information on students who will be attending kindergarten next fall for the first time. If you do not have a child you expect to enroll in kindergarten next fall, ignore this notice or…

Pre-Registration For 2023-24 Kindergarten At ECASD Now Available

Pre-registration for Kindergarten in the Ellwood City Area School District for the 2023-24 school year is now available. All prospective parents of ECASD kindergarten students are asked to complete the following 2023-24 form if planning to enroll a child in kindergarten next fall. The purpose of this form is collect information on students who will be attending kindergarten next fall for the first time. If you do not have a child you expect to enroll in kindergarten next fall, please omit this notice or give it to a neighbor or friend who has an eligible child. All Kindergarten students will…

BACK 2 SCHOOL: Riverside Kindergarten Orientation Announced

Kindergarten is such an exciting year full of new experiences for both our students and their families! Prior to the first official day of school for the 2022-2023 year, Riverside Beaver County School District has announced Kindergarten Teach Assignments and Kindergarten Orientation. In 1st-12th grades, parents can log into Skyward on August 15th to view students’ teachers and schedules. Due to kindergarten students not yet having their logins, automated calls will be sent at 10 a.m. August 15th with your child’s teacher assignment. Logins will be provided to families at Kindergarten Orientation. Orientation acclimates you and your child to the…

Kindergarten Enrollment Upcoming At Riverside School District

Attention is called to parents of preschool students who live within the Riverside Beaver County School District. Kindergarten Enrollment for the 2022-2023 School Year is set to begin Tuesday, February 1, 2022. Children who will be 5 years old before September 1, 2022 and are residents of the Riverside Beaver County School District are eligible to enroll in kindergarten for the 2022–2023 school year. Kindergarten Screening Day is schedule for March 17, 2022. A time will be chosen upon completion of registration. Children who will be attending Kindergarten in the fall will be asked to attend the district screening day….

2021-22 Ellwood City Kindergarten Registration Announced

The North Side Primary School in the Ellwood City Area School District will be hosting Kindergarten Registration for the 2021-2022 school year next month. The registration is schedule to take place on Monday, March 29, Tuesday, March 30, and Wednesday, March 31, 2021. To be eligible for Kindergarten for the 2021-2022 school year, the child must be 5 years old by August 15, 2021. Please contact North Side Primary School at 724-752-1381 to pre-register your child. The North Side Primary Center is a K-2 building in the Ellwood City Area School District. According to the district website, learning at North…

Ellwood City Area School Directors Pass Amended Kindergarten Admission Policy

The Ellwood City Area School Directors approved Policy 201 Admission of Students during the Thursday night voting meeting. The policy was amended for early admission to kindergarten. The amended section regarding early admission to kindergarten now states: Physical, social and emotional maturity must be adequate to function satisfactorily in the Ellwood City Area School District’s kindergarten program. Criteria for early entrance includes the following: The child must turn five years old by September 15 of the school year of enrollment. The child seeking early entrance must have completed two years of preschool experience. A written letter of request from the…