“Operation Healthy Ellwood” Coming In July

The Ellwood City Area School District, in partnership with the Ellwood City Borough, will be hosting Operation Healthy Ellwood IRT July 23-26 and July 28-August 1 at Lincoln Jr/Sr. High School, 501 Crescent Avenue, Ellwood City, PA 16117. This is a NO COST opportunity for anyone in any community to get access to medical, dental, vision (including eyeglass fabrication), behavioral health, and veterinary services. The clinics will run 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. and no appointment is needed! Operation Healthy Ellwood is made possible by 200 military medical professionals from all branches of the US Military. “Innovative Readiness Training, or…

ECASD Board of Directors Elect Officers, Learn about Innovative Readiness Training (IRT) program

The Ellwood City Area School District’s Board of Directors held its election of officers for 2025 during Thursday’s combined meeting. Jennifer Tomon will again serve as board president for 2025. She was nominated by Director Jean Biehls and had unanimous support from the board. She was the only candidate nominated. Jean Biehls will again serve as board vice president for 2025. She was nominated by Director Kevin Boariu and like Tomon received unanimous support. The board also announced and approved meeting dates for 2025. Air Force Col. Nicole S. Hurley and U.S. Air Force Capt. Heather Edsall spoke about the…

Innovative Readiness Training (IRT) Program To Add Free Veterinary Care During July Training in Ellwood City

During Ellwood City’s Borough Council meeting, Borough Manager Kevin Swogger announced that the Innovative Readiness Training (IRT) program set to setup training in Ellwood City in July will add veterinary care to its lineup of free medical services. IRT is a Department of Defense (DoD) military training opportunity, exclusive to the United States and its territories, that delivers joint training opportunities to increase deployment readiness. Simultaneously, IRT provides key services (health care, construction, transportation, and cybersecurity) with lasting benefits for communities. Swogger said the group visited the city—one of many visits they will make before July—and the group plans to…

Borough Manager: Ellwood City to Host Innovative Readiness Training (IRT)

Ellwood City Borough Manager Kevin Swogger announced during Monday night’s regular meeting of the Ellwood City Borough Council that Ellwood City will be the home of Innovative Readiness Training (IRT). IRT is a Department of Defense (DoD) military training opportunity, exclusive to the United States and its territories, that delivers joint training opportunities to increase deployment readiness. Simultaneously, IRT provides key services (health care, construction, transportation, and cybersecurity) with lasting benefits for communities. Ellwood City has been earmarked to receive FREE medical services for the community. Swogger said the service is 100% free to the community with no strings attached…