Franklin Township

Beaver County Reassessment Program Set To Begin

All things change with time. Beaver County’s Assessment system is no exception. Beaver County has contracted with Tyler Technologies to conduct a reassessment project to update property assessments from a base year of 1982, providing an efficient technical process with current, accurate property values. According to information made available by Franklin Township, starting Thursday, Tyler Technologies will begin visiting properties in Franklin Township as part of this county reassessment program. Data collectors will be visiting and collecting information relative to individual properties in the area, beginning Thursday, October 28, 2021. The majority of the data collection is expected to be…

PHOTOS: Franklin Township 8th Annual National Night Out

Franklin Township celebrated and held their 8th Annual National Night Out Event Tuesday evening under warm, sunny skies at the Franklin Plaza in Ellwood City. The event featured free activities for children, fire safety, CPR training, prize giveaways, and food vendors. The popular Penguins mascot Iceburgh also made his appearance bringing joy to all those in attendance. The National Night Out initiative began in 1984 in an effort to promote involvement in crime prevention activities, police-community partnerships, neighborhood camaraderie, and send a message to criminals letting them know that neighborhoods are organized and fighting back.

Franklin Township To Host 8th Annual National Night Out Event

Come on down! Franklin Township will be holding their 8th Annual National Night Out Event on Tuesday, August 3rd, from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Franklin Plaza in Ellwood City. There will be free activities for children, fire safety, CPR training, prize giveaways, and food vendors. There will be approximately 40 vendors for the event. According to Shannon Schlosser, township secretary, there will be firetrucks, police cars, ambulance service, two face painters, a balloon twister, an obstacle course and giant slide, CPR instruction, free blood pressure screenings, hearing screening, and a dunk tank. The Penguins mascot Iceburgh will…

Route-288 Relocation Project To Hold Virtual Public Meeting

Independence Excavating is holding a Virtual Public Meeting regarding the SR 288 Relocation project on July 12th from 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM. The project is located adjacent to the Zelienople Municipal Airport at the intersection of SR 288 and Lake Road. The virtual meeting is intended to share information with the public about the project impacts, schedule and detours as well as answer any questions participants may have. The meeting will be held via Teams LIVE and will provide the public with a presentation and a chance to submit questions to the Project Team. Additional information along with the…

Volunteers Needed for Brush Creek Park Clean Up Day

Volunteers are needed for Brush Creek Park Clean Up Day. A clean up date has been scheduled for Thursday, April 22, 2021 from noon to dusk at the park. Take pride in your community and help clean up Brush Creek Park by picking up garbage, sticks, & brush. Bring a team, ask friends, co-workers, clubs, school groups, and athletic teams. Brush Creek Park is located in the northeast corner of Beaver County and serves the citizens of the upper three quarters of the County and the people from the surrounding communities in Lawrence and Butler Counties. The park is a…

Franklin Township Clean-Up Day Announced

Clean up your yard, clean up your home, and clean up your garage! Franklin Township residents are invited to participate in a township clean-up day planned for Saturday, May 1, 2021. The event will begin at 8:00 a.m. and last until 2:00 p.m. for township residents. Residents can drop off trash at the Franklin Township Building located on Route 288 in Fombell. This cleanup event is for township residents only, with two (2) passes allowed per household. A pass is good for one (1) load. Passes can be purchased in advance for $10.00 Car, $15.00 Truck or Trailer, $20.00 Dump…

Franklin Township Seeking Volunteer Position For Planning Commission

Franklin Township is looking for volunteers for its five-member planning commission. The board meets once a month on the first Wednesday at 7:00 P.M. to review subdivisions, land developments, and potential ordinances. Those interested can contact the Franklin Township office at 724-758-9702 or email With a population just over 4,000 residents, Franklin Township is located in the very Northeast top of Beaver County. Both Butler and Lawrence Counties form the East and North border of the Township. The Connoquenessing Creek forms the Southwest Boundary. Franklin Township was established by an Act of Legislation on February 28, 1850. Follow the township…

Santa Claus Will Be Coming To Franklin Township

On Sunday, December 20th, Santa Claus will be proudly escorted by the Franklin Township Volunteer Fire Department to see all of the good girls in boys in the township. The tour will begin in Tomica Springs at noon on Sunday. Listen for the sirens and look for the flashing red lights to announce Santas arrival. When the truck comes to a stop, please come see Santa on the fire engine and get a treat from Santa himself and his elf. Please refer to the Franklin Township Facebook page on the day of the event for updated arrival times. Estimated arrivals in the…

Toxic Trash Disposal Day For Franklin Township

Franklin Township will be having a “Too Toxic To Trash” Recycling Event on Saturday, August 1. This is a way for residents to get rid of household hazardous and electronic waste in a safe and proper way. Registration is required however, so you will need to call 866-815-0016 or visit the ECSR website to be able to schedule your appointment. The event will be from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM on Saturday August 1 at 897 State Route 288, Fombell, Pa. 15009. Items that can be brought and disposed of consist of household chemicals. These chemicals include; paint, paint thinner,…

NOTICE: Franklin Township News & Updates

Starting in July, the Franklin Township Building will be reopening to the public according to information made available by the township on Thursday. According to the township, all Supervisor’s meetings for July and August will be held at the Frisco Firehall. However, the township decided that the Township Cleanup Day and National Night Out has been cancelled for 2020. It would also like to be reminded that burning in Franklin Township is permitted during daylight hours on Wednesdays and Saturdays. If you choose to burn, it must be done in a controlled environment and must burn within a safe and…