
Ellwood City School District Negotiations Update: ‘I Don’t Want My Name Associated With These Jabs’

Tensions were high at the Ellwood City School Board meeting this morning between School Board Member, formerly School Board President, Renee Pitrelli and her fellow School Board peers. The Board voted to approve the negotiations update press release, written by the board attorney, in a roll call vote with Pitrelli voting against it and school board member Matthew Morella absent. The official release is below: “Ellwood City Area School District Negotiations Update, November 1, 2017 To provide the public with accurate information regarding the status and progress of the negotiations between the School District and the Service Employees International Union…

GALLERY: Oktoberfest

With a lot of adult-friendly to-do’s, it’s safe to say that Oktoberfest was enjoyed again by many this year. Check out the gallery of photos below, maybe you’ll see yourself or someone you know! Photos submitted  

Lieutenant Speaks About Importance of Drug Take-Back Programs

The Ellwood City Police Department is sponsoring a drug take-back program on Saturday, April 29 at the Ellwood City Municipal Building. Residents may use the opportunity to turn in unused or expired medication for safe disposal, which the Ellwood City Police Lieutenant says is a critical step towards improving the growing amount of drug addictions. “The importance of the program is that it takes away the ability to use prescription drugs from people who may be experimenting with them, especially the opioids,” Lt. Kingston said. The program is part of the DEA and US Attorneys 360 Degree Program, which originally…

Local Girl Brings Gifts to Ellwood City Police Officers

Samantha Davis brought gift bags to EC Police Department on Wednesday afternoon. Davis brought a gift bags for each officer from the Holy Redeemer Elementary School, where she attends. Samantha is part of a program initiated by Holy Redeemer school students who pray for local first responders as part of their everyday prayers. The officers show their appreciation by attended functions at the school for each class grade who adopted an officer. Officers have responded by bringing their students gifts and/or gift cards at Christmas time and other various holidays and activities at the school. Sister Joann brought the students…

Ellwood and Riverside Victorious in Last Night Matches

Ellwood City Wolverines Grabs Lead in Fifth Inning for Victory Over Shenango Ellwood City Wolverines defeated Shenango 3-2 on Monday after taking the lead late in the game. The game was tied at one with Ellwood City Wolverines batting in the bottom of the fifth when Max Keally singled off of Ryan Perretti, driving in two runs. The pitching was strong on both sides. Ellwood City Wolverines pitchers struck out five, while hurlers for Shenango sat down six. Ellwood City Wolverines took an early lead in the second inning. Rick Pitrelli singled on a 0-1 count in the second inning,…

Baseball, Softball, and Tennis Teams Prevail Against Opponents

Ellwood City Wolverines Grab Lead in Seventh Inning for Victory Over New Brighton Ellwood City Wolverines took the lead late in the game in a 4-2 victory over New Brighton on Monday. The game was tied at two with Ellwood City Wolverines batting in the top of the seventh when Anthony Roth singled off of Debo, driving in one run. Ellwood City Wolverines captured the lead in the first inning. Mitch Fraser’s sac fly scored one run for Ellwood City Wolverines. Ellwood City Wolverines knotted the game up at two in the top of the fifth inning. Ellwood City Wolverines…

Third Annual Beaver County Forensics Meet

The Third Annual Beaver County forensics meet was held at Riverside High School on Tuesday, March 28. Five school district participated in the competition that was offered to both junior high and senior high. Close to fifty students from Riverside, Ambridge, Hopewell, Central Valley, and Ellwood City competed in public speaking events that included Extemporaneous, Dramatic Duo, Storytelling, and Impromptu.   Storytelling Senior High Room 3 First Place            Hopewell             Abigail McCullough Second Place      Ellwood                Keegan Reisinger   Storytelling Junior High Room 3 First Place            Ellwood                 Molly McCommons Second Place      Ambridge            John Barnhart Third Place         …

Meet the Team: Lincoln High School’s Football and Cheerleading

We interviewed a couple of the senior football players and one of the senior cheerleaders about their upcoming sports season.     Football: Mitch Fraser #56 Parents: Anthony and Jeri Fraser Years played: 7 Q. What’s your favorite football memory? A. A game we called the “Mud Bowl” because the field was so muddy from the rain. It was cold but it was a lot of fun. Q. What are you most looking forward to in your upcoming season? A. Winning, and the playoffs. Q. What have you and your team been doing to prepare for the first game? A….

Breaking News: North Sewickley Fire- Man Airlifted to Pittsburgh Hospital

Emergency responders were called to the scene of a blazing fire Monday morning. The fire happened at a Pete Brown’s Garage, located at 284 Glendale Road in North Sewickley. The owner had to be airlifted to a Pittsburgh hospital due to his injuries. According to fire officials, the fire was ongoing and a challenge to control due to oil and tires located in the garage. The cause of the fire is speculated to be electric related, due to workers claiming they heard “popping” around an electrical box earlier in the morning. Responding departments were North Sewickley, Franklin, Ellwood, Daugherty, and…