ellwood city revitalization

Request for Proposals for Lawrence Avenue Lots

Notice is hereby given that Ellwood City Revitalization (ECR) has released a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the redevelopment of 509 / 511 Lawrence Avenue (Parcel lD #12-016800) and 513 / 515 Lawrence Avenue (Parcel lD #12-005300). These are two contiguous lots in Ellwood City’s downtown. Through the RFP, ECR is seeking to select a qualified developer that will redevelop the property in a manner consistent with the Borough’s current zoning ordinance and specifically C-3 Downtown Commercial District Regulations – Pedestrian Dominant uses. In addition, the proposed design must follow the Central Business District Guidelines by Town Center Associates. The…

Motion Approved: T&M to Regrade Ebony Way

The owners of T&M Hardware have had dreams of expanding the store for nearly two decades and finally, over the past year, they have been making the dream a reality. Earlier this year the owners finished razing the properties next to the store to make room for expansions. Now, after much careful planning and due diligence, they are nearly ready to start construction. The owners plan on using the empty lot to expand the shop an estimated amount of 5,000 square feet, using the additional lot space for a larger parking lot. At Monday’s council meeting, store owner Tim Post…

VIDEO: Lawrence Avenue, Bell Avenue Demolition

The demolition of the buildings stretching from Bell Ave., to Lawrence Ave., is making “great progress,” according to Borough Manager Bob Villella. Recently the construction group has brought in an even larger – more specified machine to complete the job due to the tight space. The Volvo [pictured below] is larger than the standard, standing at over 70ft tall, and has extra features including a retracting and expanding axle, water sprayer to keep dust down, and cameras all around for a complete 360 view around and on the claw for precise viewings of everything going on from inside the cabin….

Portion of Bell Ave. Closed for Demolition

Work on the area of the buildings scheduled to be razed, 509-515 Lawrence Avenue extending back to Bell Avenue, commences today and will affect traffic on Bell Avenue. The portion of Bell Avenue, past the municipal building, is closed for the first day of work on the buildings. To start, the contracted company, Continental Demolition, will be gutting the buildings and placing the interior debris in trash containers along Bell Avenue. The trash containers are expected to be emptied on an almost-daily basis.  

The Public Works Construction is ‘Progressing Well’

The demolition of the Ellwood City Public Works Building and a few other surrounding lots is progressing well, according to Borough Manager, Robert Villella. As part of the Ellwood City Revitalization project, the demolition and rebuild of the Public Works Building was deemed one of the top necessities. “The previous building was extremely outdated and not efficient, and in some ways even dangerous for our workers, the layout was impractical, making it hard to store the necessary items, and it was becoming an eyesore in the community. Overall it was just in not only the workers best interest, but also…

Ellwood City “Revivalization”

Over thirty youth enjoyed a program on yoga presented Tuesday evening by Ashley Smith, a yoga instructor from Ellwood City, as part of the enrichment component added to the youth’s daily arts and crafts projects supervised by Joseph Cioffi. They were given information on the subject and then eagerly participated in several poses such as the Shavasana pose (pictured). Ashley emphasized the health related impact that yoga can have, especially for stress relief, that all ages can benefit from. “Many people have the misconception that yoga is only about strengthening your body, but really it’s also about training your mind and…

Sweet Caroline’s to Officially Open Tomorrow

Sweet Caroline’s is finally bringing ice cream back to Lawrence Avenue! The shops official opening is tomorrow, May 19. They will be opening their doors to the public starting at 2p.m. and staying open until 9p.m. according to their event page on Facebook. An array of ice cream specialties made with ice cream crafted by the local dairy store, Windy Ridge Dairy, will be available for consumption. Scott and Caroline Golmic, the owners of the shop, have been dedicating a lot of time to ensuring the business opened in time for summer. With the beautiful storefront located on Lawrence Avenue,…

Open Street Event to Celebrate Phase One of Bike Route

Updated: 5/19 at 8am: The Ellwood City Kitchen Cabinet is excited to be hosting an Open Street Event in celebration of the completion of Ellwood City’s new bike route. After several Kitchen Cabinet members proposed and planned the bike route for well over a year, the first portion of the project is finally getting its finishing touches this week. “With the ongoing extensive planning and cooperation among the committee members, state, county and borough, the bike lanes are set to be painted on the road this week,” Dave McQuaid, one of the main committee members directing the project stated. Phase…

Couple Experiences Sleepless Nights Dedicating Time Beautifying Ellwood City

Appropriately in sync with the Ellwood City revitalization project, Katelyn Dominelli and her husband Curt have made it their goal to ensure residing in Ellwood City is a desirable option. Since January 2016, the couple have been focusing their efforts on purchasing eye-sore real estate in the local community and doing a complete flip of the property – turning it into a highly appealing and modern space to live in the hopes it will entice a growing community. Not only do they beautify property in Ellwood City, they also promote the utilization of local companies and workers. The husband and…