ellwood city historical society

Barbershop Quartets More Than You Realize

It’s not four guys wearing straw hats and standing under a lamppost. At least not any longer. At its March meeting, the Ellwood City Area Historical Society stretched the legend of the barbershop quartet into its current form during a presentation by representatives of the Barbershop Harmony Society. The “barbershoppers” introduced the roots of close harmony singing in the late 1800s which brought about the four-part quartet that we are familiar with today. From there, the discussion examined the invitation in 1938 that called singers to gather in Kansas City. Subsequent meetings brought more singers and more participation to a…

Quilts and the Underground Railroad Discussed at ECAHS Feb. Meeting

More than 50 members and guests of the Ellwood City Area Historical Society were treated to a presentation of how quilts were used as guidance by the underground railroad. The presentation was given by the Reverend Jim Swanson to a crowd gathered at the meeting of the Ellwood City Area Historical Society on Tuesday, February 11th. According to Swanson, quilts were utilized to send messages and provide directions to runaway slaves before and during the civil war. The messages were based on the designs of the quilt. The pattern could convey advice for a runaway slave to remember. An example…

2025 Historical Society Scholarships Submission Details Announced

The EllwoodCity Area Historical Society will award four (4) fifteen hundred dollar ($1,500.00) scholarships this year. All graduating seniors living in the Ellwood City Area School District or the Riverside School District are eligible. Applications and requirements may be obtained from either high school Guidance Counselor, or from the Ellwood City Area Historical Society. The History Center at 310 5th Street is open Monday through Thursday from 10 am until 2 pm. Scholarship competitors may make appointments to use the History Center’s research facilities by calling 724-752-2021. There will be two (2) $1500.00 Robert and Janice Barensfeld Scholarships awarded and…

“What’s Up, Doc?” Historical Society Public Meeting Is Monday

What’s Up, Doc? Everett Bleakney Jr., board member and past-president of the Ellwood City Area Historical Society, will be the guest speaker at the Society’s public meeting at the History Center, 310 Fifth Street, this Monday, October 14th beginning at 7:00 p.m. This entertaining presentation will be a look at the practice of medicine in Ellwood City in the ‘50s and ‘60s. An amateur historian, Bleakney is the author of “Postcard History of Ellwood City” based on his extensive postcard collection. He is currently writing a history of Wayne Township, Lawrence County, PA. A lifelong resident of the Ellwood City…

Ellwood City Historical Society – September Update

The Ellwood City Historical Society met this past Monday to plan its programs for the remainder of the year. The first meeting was a dinner program called “A Nite at the Races,” presented by the McElwain brothers (Floyd, Frank, and Kevin.) October’s program will be presented by Everett Bleakney, Jr. titled “Whatʼs up Doc.” Doors open at 7:00 p.m. The board received the final report on the Annual Fund Drive that we had received a total of $ 8500.00. “A big thank you to the community for the very generous support,” says Andy Kindle. The Society received the complete plan…

Historical Society To Celebrate Ellwood City Races

Did you know that Pittsburgh Circle was built as a bicycle racing track? The inaugural race was held on that track on July 6 and 7, 1894. The winners of that race took home a fabulous cut-glass trophy, “The Ellwood Cup” won by the Ramblers Bicycle Club of Buffalo, NY. Did you know that the Chief Electrician at Aetna Standard in 1962, Ellwood City resident John Mokranin, won the American Power Boat Association world championship boat race in Bradenton, Florida that year? He was the oldest hydroplane racing boat driver in the world when he was fatally injured in a…

Ellwood City Historical Society – August Update

At the August meeting of Ellwood City Historical Society, the board reviewed the Ways and Means committee reports. The Annual Fund Drive started June 15, 2024 and will end on August 15, 2024. Andy Kindle chairman of the committee stated that the society has received 70% of the $10,000.00 goal. The Society still needs the communities help to raise the needed $3,000.00. You can send a donation to the Historical Society at 310 Fifth Street, Ellwood City, Pa. The Society is continuing it New member drive that it hopes will bring in at least 30 new members. The memberships begins…

Ellwood City Historical Society Annual Fund Drive Starts This Week

The Annual Fund Drive for the Historical Society will run from June 15 through August 15. The goal this year is set at $10,000.00. “Today we have received 42% of our goal,” says Andy Kindle. “We need the businesses and the community’s help.” Please send a donation to the Ellwood City Historical Society at 310 Fifth Street, Ellwood City, Pa 16117… c/o – Andy Kindle. MEMBERSHIP: The Ellwood City Historical Society membership committee is offering an 18 month membership for the cost of a 12-month membership. The 18 months will be from July 2024 through December 2024, then it will…

Ellwood City Historical Society: June Updates

This is 30th Anniversary of the History Center. The Steifel Building was bought in 1994… and became the home of the Ellwood City Area Historical Society. June is Membership Month for the Historical Society. The Society is offering a 18 month membership for the cost of a 12 month membership. The 18 months will be from July through December 2024 then continue through January to December 2025. A monthly newsletter included each month. An individual membership is $10.00 per year and a family membership is $25.00 per year.. Research is in the process of seeking information on the reason of…

Historical Society Recognizes Excellence In Local Education

When the Ellwood City Area Historical Society Board adopted the topic for this year’s Robert and Janice Barensfeld Scholarship Essay, “Write About a Prominent Person in Ellwood City,” they expected to get papers on familiar names like Hartman, Steifel, or Schill. However, when Everett Bleakney’s Scholarship Committee received the entries, the members were surprised and elated to get five essays on living people and two on recently deceased residents rather than the older historical figures. What was even more surprising was that the best of those essays were about local teachers who had a significant impact on the young writers’…