Ellwood City Area School District

ECASD Administrators: Back to School A Smooth Transition

Ellwood City Area School District administrators said despite construction at the high school, back to school in all buildings was a smooth transition. “I am so happy to be back in school,” high school Principal John Sovich said. He said around mid-August, he received numerous calls from parents who feared their children would be starting school online. He said he assured them that the kids would be back in a brick-and-mortar classroom on time, and he was right. He echoed the sentiments of many other administrators who spoke before him during Monday’s Agenda Meeting of the ECASD Board of Directors….

Ellwood City School District Offices and LHS Offices Closed August 5-9

In a temporary closure to help address plumbing upgrades, the Ellwood City Area School District Offices and Lincoln High School Offices will be closed for a week beginning Monday, August 5th. “We are closing because water has to be turned off the entire week for plumbing upgrades,” said Wes Shipley, Superintendent, in an email. Due to the construction, the August School Board Meetings will be held at Perry Lower Intermediate School on Monday, August 5th at 7:00 p.m. and  Thursday, August 8th at 7:00 p.m. According to Shipley, this minor closure and plumbing upgrade is the only remaining work scheduled…

Ellwood City Sports Physicals To Be Held On June 13th

According to information made available by the district, Ellwood City Sports Physicals for the 2024-25 school year will be held on Thursday, June 13, 2024 at the High School Nurse’s office. Any student in grades 7-12 that are interested must pre-register in the Principal’s office by Wednesday. Forms must be completed and payment must be made before an appointment time is given. Cost of the Physical is $20.00.  This is the only date that physicals will be offered by the school. Secondary Principal/Athletic Director Secretary Lisa Carsele can be reached at lcarsele@ecasdk12.org and/or 724.752.1591 ext. Option 3 with any questions. Stay in touch…

Pre-Registration For 2024-25 Kindergarten At ECASD Now Available

Pre-registration for Kindergarten in the Ellwood City Area School District for the 2024-25 school year is now available. Registration is scheduled for March, but parents need to pre-register their child(ren) first. If you are planning to enroll your child in kindergarten next fall, please complete the form below and return it to your child’s school as soon as possible.  The purpose of the form is to collect information on students who will be attending kindergarten next fall for the first time. If you do not have a child you expect to enroll in kindergarten next fall, ignore this notice or…

Ellwood City Area School District Seeking To Fill School Board Vacancy

According to a press release made available by the district this week, the Board of School Directors for the Ellwood City Area School District is seeking letters of interest and resumes to fill a vacancy for a two-year term on the School Board. The position became available upon the untimely passing of Mr. Gary Rozanski who had just recently been reelected. Mr. Rozanski served the district honorably for fourteen years holding positions of leadership several times. Interested parties should submit a letter of interest and resume to the district by noon on Friday, December 1, 2023. Letters can be emailed…

General Election Series Part 4: Ellwood City Area School District’s Board of Directors Candidates

Note: This is part 4 in a series about the General Election. Part 1 was information about the election and where to vote. Part 2 highlighted the candidates for Riverside Beaver County School District’s Board of Directors. Part 3 featured information about the candidates for Ellwood City Borough Council.  The General Election will take place on Nov 7. We caught up with the candidates for Ellwood City Area School District’s Board of Directors back in May before the primary election to learn more about the candidates and get their points of view on important issues in education. Ellwood City Area…

Hometown Holiday Toy Drive Announced!

As the holiday season approaches, the community is gearing up for a special tradition that brings warmth, joy, and togetherness to Ellwood City. The Ellwood City Area Chamber of Commerce, in conjunction with The Borough of Ellwood City and the Ellwood City Area School District, is sponsoring the Hometown Holiday Toy Drive. “We are excited to extend an invitation to your esteemed business to be a part of this heartwarming initiative,” says Rhiannon Schnell of the Public Works Department. The Hometown Holiday Toy Drive is an opportunity for our community to come together and spread the holiday spirit by ensuring…

Ellwood City Area School District Launches New Website Ahead of 2023-24 School Year

The Ellwood City Area School District has launched a new, redesigned website ahead of the 2023-24 school year. The new site – launched August 1st – is self built with web provider SquareSpace and less expensive to host and maintain according to Superintendent Wes Shipley. “Our goal was to create a more user friendly and appealing website for our community,” said Shipley in a statement. “It contains all of the information that our previous website had – it all was moved over.” The official district website URL is now www.ecasdk12.org, but if you use the old web address (www.ellwood.k12.pa.us) you…

NOTICE: ECASD To Special Meeting For Personnel Matters

In a notice made available by the district, the Ellwood City Area School District will be holding a special meeting for personnel matters next week. The notice reads as follows: The Ellwood City Area School Board of Directors has scheduled a Special Meeting on Thursday, July 27, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. for personnel matters. The meeting will be conducted in the Board Room located in the Lincoln High School Building, 501 Crescent Avenue, Ellwood City, Pennsylvania, 16117.

NOTICE: Ellwood City Area School District Proposed Final Budget

In a notice made available by the district, the Ellwood City Area School District has proposed its final budget. The notice reads as follows: NOTICE is given that the Proposed Final Budget for the General Fund of the Ellwood City Area School District for the 2023-24 fiscal year in its most recent form is available for public inspection at the school district offices, 501 Crescent Avenue, Ellwood City, Pennsylvania, 16117. The budget will be presented for adoption as a Final Budget at a school boar meeting to be held in the Board Room of the Lincoln High School Building, 501…