Ellwood City Area School District Board of Directors

ECASD Board of Directors Officially Hires Superintendent

During a “Special Board Meeting” conducted at 5 p.m. on Friday, December 18, the Ellwood City Area School District’s Board of Directors voted to hire Interim Superintendent Dr. Wesley Shipley. The special meeting was announced on Monday. His five-year contract adds up to more than $1 million. Directors Jennifer Tomon and Erica Gray were the lone “No” votes. Tomon said her vote was because of budgetary reasons. “This compensation package, that averages over $212,000 year, sets a dangerous precedent,” Tomon said. “This board is saddling the public with this expense. The same people who were left unemployed when the Medical…

ECASD to Remain Full Virtual Until January 11

Students in the Ellwood City Area School District will not be returning to the school buildings any time before January 11. The District’s Board of Directors voted Thursday evening unanimously to continue virtual learning up to that date. The board and administrators will revisit Covid-19 numbers and community spread during the board’s January 7 meeting. Until then, Acting Superintendent Dr. Wesley Shipley will work with administrators, teachers, and staff to develop a hybrid plan in the hopes for partial return to classes on January 11. Shipley said he believes that is the best way to proceed for the safety and…

ECASD Board Approves Phase Two Reopening Plan

The Ellwood City Area School District’s Board of Directors voted to move ahead with a Phase Two Reopening Plan proposed by Acting Superintendent Wes Shipley. The 5-4 vote will allow administrators to limit choices for families when it comes to choosing in school learning, a hybrid model, or a full cyber option. Directors Barbara Wilson, Matt Morella, Erica Gray, Jennifer Tomon, and Gary Rozanski supported the following plan proposed by Shipley during an Oct 5 Committee of the Whole Meeting: On Nov 2 families will have three options—full five day in school instruction, three day in school instruction, and Ecava….

ECASD Board Votes to Allow 1/4 Capacity at District Events

The Ellwood City School Area School District’s Board of Directors voted to allow spectators at events at ¼ capacity, but those in attendance will be required to wear masks, to social distance, and to sign a waiver excusing the district from liability. In a 6-1 vote the board decided that Ellwood City sports will now be played with the support of the community. Director Gary Rozanski was the lone No vote, and Directors Kathy McCommons and Norman Boots were not in attendance during the vote. The vote came following a September 14 federal court ruling that deemed Governor Wolf’s state…

ECASD Board Passes Health and Safety Plan, Approves Start of Fall Sports

Ellwood City Area School District’s Board of Directors passed a Health and Safety plan Monday night in anticipation of the return to school. The details in the plan were not made available to the public, but Interim Superintendent Wes Shipley said the plan will be posted to the district’s website today. (Read the plan posted on Tuesday here.) Board members wanted clarification in the plan to state that “team” teaching would be the method during in person classroom teaching. The team teaching option was a board compromise after some directors favored self-contained teaching over team teaching. Self-contained teaching, according to…

ECASD New Board Director Has Determined Focus on Education

Matt Morella is back and has his sights set on education. Morella is no stranger to the Ellwood City Area School District Board of Directors as he has served on the board before. He is also invested in the community. Morella grew up in Ellwood City alongside his brother and sister before spreading his wings to earn a BA in Political Science from the University of Pittsburgh and is currently preparing for the Bar Exam after earning a Juris Doctor (JD) from Pitt’s School of Law. Morella joined the board on July 3 when he replaced former Director Leroy Cortez,…

ECASD: Mancini Out, Shipley In As Interim Superintendent

In a special meeting Friday night, the Ellwood City Area School District’s Board of Directors accepted the resignation of Superintendent Joseph Mancini (effective September 22, 2020), voted to put him on administrative leave with pay until that date, and replaced him with Interim Superintendent Dr. Wes Shipley. Board President Renee Pitrelli; Board Vice President Gary Rozanski; and Directors Barbara Wilson, Matt Morella, Jean Biehls, Norman Boots, and Kathleen McCommons supported the moves. Directors Jennifer Tomon and Erica Gray dissented. Tomon publicly questioned Pitrelli regarding the appointment of Wesley as interim superintendent. “When did the board direct you to do so?”…

ECASD Board of Directors Struggle to Balance Budget; Discussion Continues Tonight

Note: The following is a roundup of discussion items from Ellwood City Area School District Board of Directors Budget meetings held on April 28 and May 4, as well as public comments regarding the budget from the Board’s May 11 and May 14 agenda and voting meetings. As the Ellwood City Area School District’s Board of Directors meet this evening to continue discussion on a budget, they will have to grapple with reducing a more than $2.5 million deficit. During budget discussion meetings in April and early May, board directors urged school officials to “tighten the belt.” At the initial…