
Retired Ellwood City Police Canine Passes Away

Lt. David Kingston-Operations Officer released the following statement: It is with great sadness ECPD reports the passing of Ellwood City Police Canine and McBride family pet “Jozek.” Jozek, a Czech born German Shepard, came to ECPD in March of 2007 and worked as part of the canine team. JOZEK was born in the Czech Republic June 9, 2005 and was purchased by ECPD on March 9, 2007 from Shallow Creek Kennels in Sharpsville, PA. After purchasing Jozek from Shallow Creek Kennels, Jozek trained with his handler for a 12 week period with Master Trainer Pat Maloney of the North American…

Local Girl Brings Gifts to Ellwood City Police Officers

Samantha Davis brought gift bags to EC Police Department on Wednesday afternoon. Davis brought a gift bags for each officer from the Holy Redeemer Elementary School, where she attends. Samantha is part of a program initiated by Holy Redeemer school students who pray for local first responders as part of their everyday prayers. The officers show their appreciation by attended functions at the school for each class grade who adopted an officer. Officers have responded by bringing their students gifts and/or gift cards at Christmas time and other various holidays and activities at the school. Sister Joann brought the students…