
Political Sign Registration Required In Ellwood City

The Borough of Ellwood City has announced this month that any political candidates who want to post campaign signs on borough property must first register at the municipal building and pay a deposit. The borough is requiring a $50.00 deposit, which will be returned after the election if the candidate complies with these regulations: No sign can be placed before four weeks prior to Election Day, November 2, 2021 Signs must be removed within five days after the election If the signs are left up after the designated time period, they will be removed by the borough, which will keep…

Bernstine Announces PennDOT Job Fair

HARRISBURG – Working to assist people in the 10th Legislative District who are seeking employment, Rep. Aaron Bernstine (R-Beaver/Butler/Lawrence) today announced that the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) will be hosting a job fair on Tuesday, Oct. 19, from 3-7 p.m. at the Butler County PennDOT offices located at 351 New Castle Road in Butler. Those interested in a career with PennDOT are encouraged to attend the event to learn about the various seasonal opportunities available. District employees will be on-hand to answer questions regarding job opportunities and assist those interested with employment applications. “PennDOT offers competitive wages, a rewarding…

Council Appoints Brad Ovial to Open Seat

Ellwood City Borough Council voted Monday evening to appoint Brad Ovial to fill the vacant seat of former councilwoman Lisa Guerrera. Ovial and another primary candidate Jan Williams both submitted letters of interest in filling the vacant seat. Council members George Celli, Caleb Cragle, Jim Barry, and Michelle Lamenza all voted in favor of Ovial—Councilman Rob Brough and Councilwoman Judith Dici were absent from the meeting. The seat was left vacant last month when Guerrera announced her resignation. Her term was set to expire on December 31, 2021. Guerrera recently moved out of the borough, leaving her legally unable to…

Wolf Administration to Host Vaccine Clinic in Lawrence County

Harrisburg, Pa. – The Pennsylvania Commission for Women, the Governor’s Advisory Commission on Latino Affairs (GACLA), Adagio Health and the United Way of Lawrence County will host a walk-in COVID-19 vaccine clinic on Thursday, September 9, 2021, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Adagio Health Medical Office, 200 S Jefferson St # 2, New Castle, PA 16101. The clinic is set to take place at the same time of the United Way’s “Day of Caring” to help promote the event. “The Pennsylvania Commission for Women is proud to be hosting this vaccine clinic with the Governor’s Advisory Commission…

New Sunshine Act Changes Take Effect, Apply to Local Government, School Board Meetings

HARRISBURG – Rep. Aaron Bernstine (R-Beaver/Butler/Lawrence) today alerted Pennsylvanians to an upcoming change to the state’s Sunshine Act, which would increase transparency in government. The new provisions will take effect on Sunday, Aug. 29, and require public agencies, including municipalities and school districts, to post public meeting agendas at least 24 hours prior to the start of a meeting. The changes are a result of Act 65 of 2021, which was signed by Gov. Tom Wolf in June. Bernstine championed the measure in the House of Representatives. “With heated school board and local government meetings taking place across the state…

Borough Seeking Council Member

A vacancy now exists on the Ellwood City Borough Counil after the resignation of councilwoman Lisa Guerrera this week. According to information made available by the borough, any borough resident interested in serving on Council is now asked to submit a letter of interest to the Borough Secretary. Letters are to be mailed to the Borough Secretary, 525 Lawrence Avenue, Ellwood City, PA 16117. Letters are asked to be received by 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 8, 2021. If any interested applicant has questions, he or she may contact the borough at 724-758-7777 During Monday’s council meeting, Guerrera advised her resignation…

Gov. Wolf: 80% of Pennsylvania’s 18+ Population Have Received First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine

Governor Tom Wolf this week announced that 80 percent of Pennsylvania’s 18 and older population have received their first dose of COVID-19 vaccination. Pennsylvania ranks 9th for first doses administered and 5th for total doses administered among all 50 states. “Today’s vaccination milestone is a reminder that Pennsylvanians are committed to the health and safety of themselves and their neighbors. Thank you to every Pennsylvanian who helped make it happen. I couldn’t be prouder,” said Gov. Wolf. “The pandemic has been unpredictable and unsettling throughout the last 18 months, but Pennsylvania has remained steadfast in our vaccination efforts. As COVID-19…

Ellwood City Councilwoman Resigns Position

Councilwoman Lisa Guerrera has officially resigned her council seat. During Monday’s regular meeting, council members accepted her resignation—some reluctantly—just months shy of the end of her term. Guerrera said the move was prompted by the abrupt sale of her home. She will be moving out of the borough making her legally unable to serve on council. The borough will immediately advertise to fill her council seat. Guerrera began her council journey in 2017 when her run was announced as a team effort along with Rob Brough, John Cress, and Brandon Fisher. The foursome entered the election with a promise to…

Governor Wolf Signs Legislation Expanding Access to Medical Marijuana

On Wednesday, Governor Tom Wolf signed legislation that will provide important updates to Pennsylvania’s Medical Marijuana Act to ensure better access for patients. House Bill 1024 acts on recommendations made by the Department of Health to revise the Medical Marijuana Act, which was signed into law in 2016. Specifically, it protects patient safety standards and product quality of Pennsylvania’s medical marijuana program while empowering the Medical Marijuana Advisory Board to continue to consider new medical conditions for eligibility. It will also retain certain flexibilities enacted under the state’s COVID-19 disaster declaration that patients and dispensaries found convenient. “It’s been five…

Bernstine Votes ‘No’ on State Budget That Increases Spending by 8.8%

HARRISBURG – Rep. Aaron Bernstine (R-Butler/Beaver/Lawrence) today voted “no” on the state budget for Fiscal Year 2021-22. Bernstine issued the following statement citing excessive government spending led to his negative vote. “When it comes to spending taxpayers’ money, I don’t think we ought to look at a budget and say it’s not perfect, but it’s good enough. This budget is an 8.8% increase in government spending, and that will set the stage for excessive borrowing and tax hikes when President Biden’s bailout money disappears. This budget does nothing to help our struggling local businesses or help to rebuild our economy,…