
Dice Run Benefit

In 2000, Melissa “Murf” Becker was given a defective mesh implant in which her body rejected. She has undergone 7 different surgeries to remove the mesh, that her doctors have labeled “chicken wire”, all of the surgeries have failed. She has developed multiple problems, she suffers from Celiac’s Disease, pelvic pain, chronic long term pain and neuropathy. Melissa is now confined to a wheel chair because the simple act of walking is extremely painful. She has seen many doctors who refuse to operate due to the complexity of the mesh implant in her body. After extensive research she found a…

Partial Solar Eclipse Will Be Visible in Ellwood City

The highly anticipated solar eclipse across the nation from the west coast to the east coast of America is happening today, which will be visible at different times throughout regions of the nation. While Ellwood City is not in the “direct path” of the eclipse, according to, Ellwoodians will be able to see a partial eclipse starting at 1:09p.m., the peak of the eclipse will be at 2:34p.m. and the end at 3:54p.m. for a total duration of 2 hours and 44 minutes. The weather forecast predicts clouds and possible rain storms throughout the day. Eclipse’s are not necessarily…

LHS Class of 1968 Hosting Fiftieth Anniversary Reunion

The Lincoln High School Class of 1968 will hold a Fiftieth Anniversary Reunion organizing committee meeting on Tuesday, August 29 at 7:00 pm at the Ellwood City SOI. Anyone interested in working on the committee, please plan on attending the meeting. All are welcome. For any additional details, please call Duane Maietta at 724-513-8111.

Wurtemburg United Methodist Church Community Barbecue

Wurtemburg United Methodist Church is hosting a Community Barbecue, at 1244 Portersville Road, (Rt 488), Ellwood City, on Saturday, September 16th, from 4-6p.m. The following items will be on the menu: Pork or chicken, corn on the cob, macaroni and potato salads, baked beans, fruit salad, assorted desserts, and beverages. Adults and takeout: $6.00 Ages 6-10: $3.00 Under 6: free Call 724-368-3371 for advance tickets. Come, relax, and enjoy the BBQ, games and music!! All are welcome!

Ellwood City Art Club Fair

The Ellwood City Art Club will be hosting their Art Club Fair on September 9, from 10:30-2:30 at their new studio location, The Family Center in Ellwood City. Participants will be able to dabble in a variety of art forms including painting, writing, photography, computer applications, and more. No experience is necessary and teachers will be on hand to help. There is no cost or age limit. Weekly classes are for high school students and up. Some special classes will be for younger children.

Annual Historical Society Picnic

Everett Bleakney, President of the Ellwood City Historical Society, wants to invite everyone to the Annual Historical Society Picnic. “An old fashion picnic is a great way to celebrate with friends and neighbors about our town – Ellwood City,” Bleakney said. The picnic is scheduled for Monday, September 11, 2017 at 6:00pm. It will be held in Ewing Park in Shelter 8 in the back loop of the park. Every one is invited, bring a covered dish to be shared by all. The Society will furnish the meat/drink/desert, please, “bring your own table service.” Come early for a good seat! We have a great…

Ellwood City Area Public Library Activities for Week of August 14, 2017

Activities scheduled at the Ellwood City Area Public Library include the following: Wednesday, August 16, at 10:00 a.m. — “Coloring for Adults,” a weekly program that is free and open to the public. “Coloring for Adults” is a program designed to help reduce the stresses of everyday life. This program is returning to its Wednesday morning meeting time. Everyone is welcome, so call the library at 724-758-6458 for more information. Wednesday, August 16, at 12:00 Noon – Creative Writing Workshop for students in 7th grade and up. The group meets twice each month to share their work and discuss writing…

Sell Your Items at the Community Rummage Sale

The Ellwood City Women of the Moose Chapter 442 invite the community to their rummage sale event this Saturday to sell their items at a cost of $10.00 per table space. Spaces will be available on a first come-first serve basis. For those purchasing tables, doors will open at 7:00 a.m. Weather permitting any overflow will be able to set up outside. To reserve a table and for more event information view the official Facebook pages at Ellwood City Moose or Ellwood City Women of the Moose Chapter 442. The Rummage Sale will be open to the public from 8:00…

Veterans Stand Down in Lawrence County

The 7th annual Veterans Stand Down in Lawrence County will be Friday, August 11, from 1pm – 3pm and will provide FREE Medical screenings, hygiene products, haircuts, a light meal, and multiple organizations with resource information and referrals will be available. Serving homeless Veterans, service members, their families, community members, and families in need. The event will take place at 1st Battalion, 107th Field Artillery, 820 Frank Avenue, New Castle, PA. Veteran’s Office

Hard to Recycle Event

The Lawrence County Hard to Recycle event will be on Saturday, Sept. 30 from 10a.m.-1p.m. Things that can be recycled are appliances, batteries, electronics, fluorescent lights, household hazardous wastes, and tires. Below is a list of items and the cost to recycle them.