CCBC Recognized for Excellence in Student Voter Registration and Turnout

MONACA – Community College of Beaver County (CCBC) was recognized for its non-partisan democratic engagement efforts that fostered high levels of student voter engagement in the 2022 midterm elections. ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge (ALL IN) recognized CCBC as having the Most Improved Voter Turnout for a 2-Year Institution in 2022, reflecting its commitment to ensuring that nonpartisan democratic engagement is a defining feature of campus life.

“At CCBC, we feel it is important to engage our students in the voting process and educate them about the power of their voices. Not only do we encourage first time voters to register, but we provide information about absentee and mail-in ballots as well,” said Brittney Golden, dean of students. CCBC will include these initiatives into a variety of campus and student life events through the 2024 election period, including:

  • New Student Orientation and Club Fair – provides opportunities for the Director of the Beaver County Elections Bureau and the college’s Student Government Association (SGA) to register new voters, distribute voter information, and highlight the upcoming Voter Education Week in October while exploring materials available on and information provided through ALL IN.
  • ROCK the Vote –paint rocks, have fun, and learn of deadlines, resources, and important instructions.
  • Election Day – celebrating students who come to class with an “I Voted” sticker.

“The ALL IN Awards were created to celebrate nonpartisan democratic engagement and the outstanding campus voter registration and turnout rates achieved by our ALL IN campuses. Ahead of the 2024 elections, ALL IN campuses are ready to build on the momentum from 2022 to ensure their communities are ready to make an even bigger impact this fall,” said Jennifer Domagal-Goldman, executive director of the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge. “ALL IN is proud to celebrate and honor top-performing campuses, like CCBC, who demonstrate that nonpartisan student voter engagement is possible and effective.”

CCBC was recognized alongside more than 500 campuses using data from the National Study of Learning, Voting, and Engagement (NSLVE) out of Tufts University, which found that colleges an universities had the second-highest voter turnout among students in a midterm election since NSLVE began measuring this data. The full list of campus award winners is available here. More than 1,060 institutions enrolling more than 10 million students participate in the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge, which supports colleges and universities in achieving excellence in nonpartisan student voter engagement.

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