Brittany Robinson, 23, of Shenango Township is facing charges of homicide, abuse of a corpse, tampering with evidence, and concealing the death of a child after the body of her newborn was found hidden under the porch of a home on Ellwood Road.
The owner of a home in the 3200 block on Ellwood Road called the police on Sunday, who then found the infant’s body hidden in a crawlspace outside.
Reportedly the child was wrapped in a T-shirt when found.
Police say the boy was viable and full-term and weighing approximately seven pounds and investigators believe the baby was born alive prior to its death.
There were no immediate signs of abuse on the corpse however the Lawrence County Coroner is investigating and police are waiting for the autopsy results to determine the manner and cause of the infant’s death.
I would like to know more about the parents. Why? Why was she so afraid to tell her parents that she was pregnant? There is not excuse for this, she could have had the baby adopted out, left it at a police station, hospital anything. Again what type of relationship does she have with her parents that they had no idea. Again fear why is she so afraid of her parents
I agree. Why the fear? A relative had this girl in her class at school a few years back and said she was slow, so she probably did not have the right mindset to know how to process this situation. It is sad, horrible and all those things, but somewhere along the way, people who should have been watching out for her let her down. And to all you men out there, how many of you used a woman and got her pregnant but didn’t give a dam about what happened to her and your baby afterward? Isn’t there room for some blame here? I don’t know anything about this family but even if her family is slow also, there hopefully should have been others out there who could have stepped up and offered their help. She apparently fell through the cracks like so many of us do in life and felt she had no options or no where else to turn to for help. It is God’s place to judge, not ours. Only he knows what was in her heart, soul and mind when this happened. No one else does. Not one of us is perfect. We all have made mistakes we are not proud of. I only wish I had known her and what she must have been going through so I could have gotten help for her and her baby before this tragedy occurred. Not only have Brittany and her baby suffered but so will all the other people in her family for what happened here. This is a lesson to be learned. Instead of all those people who are criticizing her, when was the last time you looked around you, really truly looked to see if there was a neighbor, a friend, a relative or even a stranger who might desperately need help, not criticism. It is easy to sit around and criticize after something happens, why not get up off your butts and try to do something to prevent a tragedy like this from happening again. We are our brothers keepers, and as a united humanity, we should be working harder to help one another.
I agree with you Joanne. When something like this happens everyone seems to rush to judge, as if by doing so they prove how righteous they are.
I am certain that, no matter what the circumstance, anyone would know it is wrong to kill another human being. There is no excuse.