Bernstine Introduces Legislation to Create Two-Tiered Concealed Carry System, Supporting Constitutional Carry Rights

HARRISBURG – Rep. Aaron Bernstine (R-Butler/Lawrence) has introduced legislation designed to enhance the concealed carry process for firearm owners in Pennsylvania. House Bill 454 would create a two-tiered system to streamline firearm carrying laws, ensuring greater protection of citizens’ Second Amendment rights while balancing public safety.

“Pennsylvanians have the fundamental right to protect themselves and their families, and this legislation is a step toward ensuring that right is respected,” said Bernstine. “Law-abiding citizens who follow the rules should not face undue obstacles when it comes to exercising their constitutional rights. The proposed two-tiered system provides more freedom, more choice and greater protection for the people of Pennsylvania.”

PA State Representative Aaron Berstine

The legislation would allow all law-abiding citizens to carry firearms for lawful purposes without unnecessary government intervention. Under the new system, the first level of the legislation would remove the requirement for Pennsylvanians to obtain a permit to carry a concealed firearm. This initiative would acknowledge the right to keep and bear arms as stated in the Pennsylvania Constitution. As a result, any citizen who passes a criminal background check to purchase a firearm should not be subjected to additional bureaucratic processes to carry their firearm concealed.

Bernstine’s legislation would challenge the fairness of the current system that places the burden of permits solely on lawful citizens by removing the concealed carry permit requirement. The legislation would recognize that law-abiding citizens should not be punished for choosing to carry concealed.

The second tier of the legislation creates an optional License to Carry a Firearm (LTCF) permit. This voluntary permit would allow individuals to carry concealed firearms throughout Pennsylvania and in 32 states that either recognize the Pennsylvania LTCF or have reciprocity agreements in place. This enhanced option would ensure responsible gun owners have the flexibility to carry their firearms across state lines, providing protection wherever they may travel.

House Bill 454 has been referred to the House Judiciary Committee for consideration.

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