Riverside 2025-26 Pre-K Counts and Kindergarten Registration Now Open

Riverside Beaver County School District Pre-K and Kindergarten registration is now open.

Children who will be 5 years old before September 1, 2025 and are residents of the Riverside Beaver County School District are eligible to begin the enrollment process for kindergarten.

Before you begin the process, be sure to read over the checklist to ensure you have all your required documents. Please note, online enrollment works best when done on a desktop or laptop computer. You may encounter technical issues using a cellphone to enroll.

Within a few days of completing the enrollment, you will receive an email with a link to schedule a screening appointment for your child. All required documentation must be submitted before an appointment will be scheduled. If you have questions regarding the enrollment requirements, call Mrs. O’Connell at 724-758-7512 x1002. [VIEW MORE]

The Pre-K classroom will provide a free, high-quality preschool service to 20 pre-kindergarten children who reside within the district and meet the income guidelines. The Pre-K Counts Program runs a full school year (180 days). The class session begins at 8:50 a.m. and ends at 1:50 p.m. Monday through Friday. Transportation is not provided. Snack and lunch are provided.

Students must be 4 years old (but not 5) before September 1st to be eligible to attend. Students who are older or younger are not accepted.

The Riverside Beaver County School District, working in partnership with families and the community, will provide students with the knowledge, skills and integrity to reach their maximum potential, to become contributing members of society, and to become life-long learners.

Visit www.riverside.k12.pa.us for more school information.


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