ECASD Officials, Board of Directors Face Scrutiny From Concerned Parents Following School Shooting Threat

Concerned and angry parents flooded the Hartman Intermediate School Cafeteria Thursday night for the Ellwood City Area School District’s Board of Directors regular meeting following a school shooting threat that occurred on Tuesday (see story here).

Their overall demand was for answers about what was going to be done about the situation to make students safe and to end their fear of going to school.

District Superintendent Dr. Wesley Shipley confirmed that there was a verbal threat made by a student on Tuesday during a lunch period. He said other students were quick to inform district staff about the threat. According to Shipley local, regional, and state law enforcement were involved in the investigation along with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).  Shipley said rumors on social media up to and including the rumor of a hit list were “debunked” in the investigation.

“We take these threats very seriously,” Shipley said and insisted that the student is facing disciplinary action.

Shipley declined to say the exact disciplinary action that was taken against the student or the student’s name citing federal laws against disclosing such information.

District Solicitor Christoper Voltz supported Shipley’s stance saying that the board and district officials cannot give out details about the punishment.

Parents and other visitors in attendance were not happy with that and continued to push for information.

Lisa Gagliano, of Grandview Road, said she doesn’t have children in the district, but is a concerned community member.

“What’s being done for the safety of the other children,” she said. “You can’t guarantee he won’t bring a gun or a knife.”

Ron Kennedy, of Etna Drive, demanded to know if the student would be back in school.

“My kids are scared to go to school,” he said.

Kennedy’s questions were met with silence from the board and district officials.

As Kennedy ended his public comment time waiting for an answer, another man in the crowd yelled profanities and as he was escorted out of the room he exclaimed, “If they get shot it’s on you.”

Board President Jennifer Tomon informed the crowd that the public comment period is not a Q&A session.

“The board is not obligated to engage in questions,” she said.

Kayla Hall, district parent, said the district didn’t need to release a name or mode of discipline just assurance that the students would be protected.

“Why is one child being protected over the entire student body?” she asked. “How are our kids and building going to be protected?”

Many parents suggested that the student should not be allowed to return to school.

Ashley Levin said if he does return to school, her daughter will not.

“If he’s sitting in a seat next to my daughter like he has been, she won’t be coming back.”

Victoria Kincaid, district parent, said she believes this threat falls under the school’s policy 218.2 Terrorist Threats and that the student responsible should be prosecuted. Kincaid, a veteran, said she fought for our country so that her kids would not have to face situations like this.

Board Director Kevin Boariu insisted that the district could and should provide the public with “general” details about what will be done to keep the students safe.

Shipley said that the district has in depth safety plans that cannot be disclosed publicly. He said the district does have metal detectors that are used “randomly.” He said the district employs four law enforcement officials (one at each of the district’s school buildings) and that the district has working relationships with the local and state police.

Tomon said “six out of nine of the members that sit on this board have children that attend school in the district.” She said the board takes this situation personally and seriously.

Motions approved:

  • Motion to approve Minutes from August 5, 2024 Combined Meeting and August 8, 2024 Regular Meeting.
  • Motion to Approve General Fund Treasurer’s Report in the amount of $ 27, 426,482.30. The summary of accounts are as follows.
    • WesBanco Checking $ 1,486,169.68
    • Tax Accounts; $ 5,056,522.67
    • PLGIT: $ 20,880,932.43
    • PSDLAF: $ 1,453.01
    • PA Invest: $ 1,404.50
  • Motion to approve the General Fund Accounts Payable Report.
  • Motion to approve the following as mentors for the 2024-25 school year
    • Shelby Beck as mentor for Rebecca D’Addio, LHS school nurse.
  • Accept the following resignations:
    • Cory Biego, Cafeteria Worker, effective September 13, 2024.
    • Theresa Wright, Cafeteria Worker, for the purpose of retirement, effective August 27, 2024.
  • Motion to approve additional substitutes for 2024-25 school year.
  • Motion to hire the following as Instructional Aides for the 2024-25 school year in accordance with the current SEIU 32 BJ Bargaining Agreement
  • Motion to approve the following Family Medical Leaves in accordance with the Family Medical Leave Act and Policy 335:
    • Gwen McGuire, NS teacher, intermittent FMLA between 9/3/24 to 6/6/25.
    • Marilynn Gottuso, Hartman Building Clerk, Intermittent FMLA between 9/3/24 to 6/6/25.
    • Connie Frisk, NS Aide, Intermittent FMLA between 9/3/24 to 6/6/25.
  • Motion to approve the following Volunteers:
    • Johnny Harris, Volunteer Middle School Football Coach, pending clearances.
    • Christine Confer, Volunteer Band Staff
    • Evan Brochinsky, Volunteer Band Staff
    • Janelle Brochinsky, Volunteer Band Staff
  • Motion to Recognize Booster Groups as affiliate organizations of the Ellwood City Area School District for the 2024-25 School year:
    • LHS Musical Boosters
    • EC Soccer Boosters
  • Motion to approve the following as a student teacher from Slippery Rock University for the first semester of 2024-25:
    • Austin Dombeck- Social Studies 7-12
  • Hire Secondary Math Teachers
  • Approve MOU with SEIU to allow members of SEIU, Act 93, and contracted employees to donate sick days for the purpose of creating a sick leave bank for an SEIU employee.
  • Motion to hire full time custodians for the 2024-25 school year in accordance with the current SEIU 32BJ Bargaining Unit Agreement.
  • Motion to create a three (3) hour Assistant Baker cafeteria position at Lincoln High School.
  • Motion to approve Mark Baker as an additional bus driver for EC Transit for the 2024-25 school year.
  • Motion to approve the following Facility requests:
    • EC Wrestling is requesting the use of both gyms and the LHS cafeteria for a Junior High/JV Tournament from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, December 21, 2024.
  • Motion to approve the following policies:
    • Policy #103 – Discrimination/Harassment Affecting Students
    • Policy #103.1 – Non-Discipline Qualified Student with Discipline
    • Policy #104 – Discrimination/Harrassment Affecting Staff
    • Policy #234 – Pregnant/Parenting/Married Students
    • Policy #247 – Hazing
    • Policy #249 – Bullying/Cyberbullying
    • Policy #252 – Dating Violence
    • Policy #317.1 – Educator Misconduct
    • Policy #336 – Personal Necessity Leave
    • Policy #339 – Uncompensated Leave
    • Policy #707 – Use of School Facilities
    • Policy #807 – Opening Exercises/Moment of Silence/Flag Displays
    • Policy #824 – Maintaining Professional Adult/Student Boundaries
  • Motion to approve the following field trips/social events:
    • Art Club is requesting to take 12 students on Friday, October 18, 2024 to Penn West Edinboro for Edinboro Art Day-College Visit. The bus will depart at 6:45 a.m. and return at approximately 2:30 p.m.
    • Michelle Hall, Transition teacher, is requesting to take 6-10 students by CBVT van to Manufacturing Day and Plant tour at the Bayfront Convention Center, Erie, PA on Wednesday, October 9, 2024. The van will depart at 7:45 a.m. and return at approximately 2:20 p.m.
    • Michelle Hall, Transition teacher, is requesting to take 3 students by CBVT van to the Hiram G. Andrews Transition Fair at HGAC, Johnstown, PA on Thursday, October 17, 2024. The van will depart at 7:45 a.m. and return at approximately 2:30 p.m.
    • Cindie Friello, Yearbook, is requesting to take 7 students to Beachwood High School in Beachwood, Ohio on Thursday, September 26, 2024 by van for a Fall Yearbook Workshop. The van will depart at 7:30 a.m. and return at approximately 3:00 p.m.
  • Motion to approve the Southwood Children’s Behavioral Healthcare Agreement for the 2024-25 school year at $90 per day.
  • Motion to approve the Beaver Valley Intermediate Unit English as a Second Language (ESL) program for the 2024-25 school year at a cost of $110.00 per hour per student an increase of $5.00 per hour per student from last year.
  • Motion to approve a transportation contract with Allied Coordinated Transportation Services, Inc. (ACTS) to provide transportation for students residing in Shenango.

2 Comments on "ECASD Officials, Board of Directors Face Scrutiny From Concerned Parents Following School Shooting Threat"

  1. to all citizens, the behavior of the school board you saw, is the same behavior at every school board. won’t answer questions, remove policies they don’t like such as nepotisim, violate sunshine law. shiply dosen’t live in the boro and is not worth half a million dollar pay, they all need removed

  2. This isn’t a school board elected by the taxpayers, they are Shiply’s puppets!

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