ECASD Board of Directors Approve Budget, Eliminate Nepotism Policy

The Ellwood City Area School District’s Board of Directors voted to approve the General Fund Budget for the 2024-25 fiscal year in the amount of $36,470,849 as well as the tax resolution setting the tax rates for the 2023-2024 fiscal year to include the ACT 679 $5 per capita tax, the ACT 511 $10 per capita tax (a shared tax by municipalities), property tax millage at 19.94 mills, Earned Income Tax at .5%, Realty Transfer Tax at .5% and the Occupational Privilege/Local Service Tax at $5.00 during the June 17 Regular Meeting.

The move did not come without comment from the public.

Emily DeNome of Wood Street, said she believed the public didn’t have a fair opportunity to review the budget. She stated that in the past, the budget was available for review at the Ellwood City Area Public Library and that the budget this year was in a locked building in a locked office that is only open Monday through Friday until 5 p.m.

“This should be tabled until everyone gets to see it. Otherwise, it looks like you are trying to hide something,” she said.

The Board also voted to eliminate Policy #304.2 – Nepotism during the June 17 Regular Meeting.

The meeting agenda had the revised policy  grouped with a motion to approve numerous other policies for first reading, but Director Claire Fauzey asked that the nepotism policy be separated from the group, at which time she made a motion to eliminate the policy completely. She received a second from Director Jean Biehls who both voted “yes” along with Director’s Erica Gray, Robyn Nicklas, and Board President Jennifer Tomon. “No” votes were given by Director’s Kathy Tillia, Norman Boots, and Kevin Boariu. Directors Kathy Galbreath was not in attendance.

The elimination follows a move last month during its May 9 Regular Meeting when the Board of Directors voted down a motion to suspend the nepotism policy for the hiring of a Building Clerk at Perry Lower Intermediate.

At that time,“Yes” votes came from Directors Jean Biehls, Dr. Claire Fauzey, and Director Robyn Nicklas. Directors Kathy Tillia, Kathy Galbreath, Norman Boots, and Kevin Boariu voted “No.” Director Erica Gray was not in attendance. And Tomon abstained from voting as the proposed suspension of the policy was for the hiring of her relative Elizabeth Tomon.

Visitor Lisa Nardone said she has been attending meetings for six or seven years and she has never seen the decision made so quickly by the Board regarding policy without public discussion.

“This is not the way things go down,” she said. “Something about it seems dirty.”

Councilman Caleb Cragle urged the Board to always keep the students in mind when hiring.

“Forget the last names and think about the students,” he said.

Other motions approved:

  • Motion to approve the May 6, 2024 Committee Meeting Minutes and the May 9, 2024 Regular Meeting Minutes.
  • Motion to Approve General Fund Accounts Payable Report.
  • Motion to Approve General Fund Treasurer’s Report as follows:
    • WesBanco Checking $ 2,207,521.97
    • PLGIT GF Prime / Term $ 24,270,389.50
    • Tax Accounts $ 795,286.90
    • PSDLAF $1,453.01
    • PA Invest $ 403.02
    • Total Cash and Investments $ 27,275,054.40
  • Motion to approve the 2024-25 Homestead/Farmstead Exclusion calculation and resolution implementing the Homestead/Farmstead exclusion at $15,794.38 or $314.94 for the 2024-25 tax year.
  • Motion to approve Medical Insurance Premiums with the Allegheny County School Health Insurance Consortium (ACSHIC) for the 2024-25 school year that reflect a 9% increase.
  • Motion to approve Ellwood City Transit Contract be extended for the 2024-25, 2025-26, 2026-27, 2027-28, 2028-29 years.
  • Motion to approve the Food Service Management Contract for the 2024-25 school year.
  • Motion to approve Joel Martin and Associates for interim payroll consulting services.
  • Motion to approve extended season pay for spring coaches:
    • Softball Head Coach Gary Rozanski 1 Week = $100
    • Assistant Coach Merle McDonald 1 Week = $50
    • Track Head Coach Nate Brown 3 Weeks = $300
    • Assistant Coach Chris Ludwig 3 Weeks = $150
    • Assistant Coach Clint Kotuby 3 Weeks = $150
    • Assistant Coach Tom Natale 3 Weeks = $150
  • Motion to approve the following SEIU cafeteria employees for summer work during summer school:
    • Stephanie Barroni-hours 7-1230
    • Deb Lewis – 7-1230
    • Hailey McQuiston- 730-1230
  • Motion to accept the following resignations:
    • Jacob Olson, Technology Coach, effective June 7, 2024.
    • Gianene Polis, Perry Custodian, for the purpose of retirement, effective September 30, 2024.
    • Patti Otlowski, Payroll Benefits Clerk, effective June 17, 2024.
    • Vanessa Pollio, Instructional Aide, effective June 3, 2024.
    • Leslie Gleghorn, Director of Special Education, who accepted a position at Laurel School District
  • Motion to approve fall coaches for the 2024-25 school year
  • Motion to approve Craig Mills as the head teacher at Perry Lower Intermediate School and Gary Rozanski Jr. as head teacher at Hartman Intermediate School for the 2024-25 school year.
  • Motion to approve the following as Department Heads for the 2024-25 school year:
    • Social Studies – Brad Arbutina
    • Math – Mark Stanley
    • Science – Scott Timmerman
    • PE/Health – John DiBuono
    • Special Education – Chrissy Walmsley
    • Technology – Cindie Friello
    • Guidance – April Thellman
    • Language Arts – Lori Hudeck
    • Foreign Language – Amanda Long
    • Fine Arts – TBD
  • Motion to approve the following teacher mentors for the 2024-25 school year:
    • Stacy Sprague as mentor for Evan Brochinsky.
    • Maggie Pringle as mentor for McKayla Donofrio.
    • Anita Hand as mentor for Hannah Morini.
  • Motion to approve the following faculty members to sponsor the “Reel Adventures: A Hands-On Fishing Seminar”, a fishing program funded by the R3 Education Grant that is funded by the PA Fish and Boat Commission that we won. The program is designed to offer an immersive introduction to fishing while emphasizing environmental education and stewardship for students in grades 5-11.
    • Mike Garvin
    • Curt Agostinelli
    • Tom Natale
    • Shelby Beck
  • Motion to approve the following teachers who have completed six successful semesters with a Satisfactory evaluation:
    • Terra Larkin – Perry Speech Pathologist
    • Savannah Stanley – Perry Special Education Teacher
    • Erin Carusone – Hartman fifth grade ELA Teacher
    • Nathan Brown – Elementary Physical Education Teacher
    • Janelle Fox – North Side Autistic Teacher
  • Motion to hire Partick Tapmar as Grade 7-12 Music teacher at Step I of the current EAEA Agreement.
  • Motion to hire Nikita McDowell as an Instructional Aide in accordance with the SEIU 32 BJ Bargaining Unit agreement for the 2024-25 school year.
  • Motion to hire Stan Sharpless as head Co-ed soccer coach for a three year contract beginning with the 2024-25 school year.
  • Motion to hire Julie Ireino as 3 hour cafeteria worker for the 2024-25 school year in accordance with the current SEIU 32 BJ Bargaining Unit Agreement
  • Motion to approve the following facility requests:
    • First United Methodist Church is requesting the use of the big gym, which will be closed, for their annual vacation bible school basketball camp on Wednesday, June 26, 2024 from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. We can try to accomodate them in the small gym at the Athletic Directors discretion.
    • Ellwood City Festival Committee is requesting the use of Helling Stadium and the high school baseball field for fireworks set up and public viewing of fireworks on Sunday, June 30, 2024.
    • Reed’s Services Inc. is requesting the use of the Ewing Park Property for parking for the Dog Days of Summer Event being held on June 21, 22, 23, 2024 from 7:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
  • Motion to Approve Disposal of ELA textbooks that are outdated and being replaced. Band Equipment as follows: Old Uniform Parts: 95 pair of pants, 27 jackets, 76 overlays, & 72 hats.
    – Kawai model #MR370 Electric Piano Serial #9133807.
  • Motion to approve the following field trips/social events:
  • History Club grades 9-12 is requesting to take their annual trip to Harpers Ferry, WV, Antietam, MD; Gettysburg, PA on May 17 – 20, 2025. The charter bus will depart on Saturday, May 17, 2025 at 7:00 a.m. and return at approximately 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 20, 2025.
  • Motion to approve changes to the 2024-25 Elementary School Handbook.
  • Motion to approve the Cray Youth and Family Services Agreement for the 2024-25 school year at a cost of $15,023 per slot with five guaranteed slots for a total cost of $75,115.00 a year a total increase of $2,190 from 2023-24.
  • Motion to Review and Approve Safety Report for the 2023-24 school year as presented by Brian Speer ECASD Officer in Charge.
  • Motion to approve the Stipulated Agreement for Student D.
  • Motion to approve the following policies for first reading:
    • Policy #222- Tobacco & Vaping Products
    • Policy #227 – Controlled Substances/Paraphernalia
    • Policy #323 – Tobacco & Vaping Products
    • Policy #351 – Controlled Substance Abuse
    • Policy #707 – Use of School Facilities
    • Policy #815.1 – Use of Generative Artifical Intelligence in Education
  • Motion to approve attached changes to the secondary student handbook in regards to Make-Up Work Policy.
  • Motion to approve the TSI Plan for Lincoln Jr. Sr. High School as required by the Pennsylvania Department of Education and State Board Regulations.

1 Comment on "ECASD Board of Directors Approve Budget, Eliminate Nepotism Policy"

  1. emily e denome | June 20, 2024 at 2:53 pm | Reply

    School Board out of control, don’t listen to taxpayers, need recall vote, term limits

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